

Mar 26, 2018

Justices reject bid for reinstatement from lawyer in deadly hit-and-run

The Arizona Supreme Court ruled against reinstating the license of a lawyer who was sent to prison for killing an ASU student in a hit-and-run incident almost 17 years ago.

Former Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce, with bottle, and wife Sherry Pierce, both of whom stand accused in a bribery scheme, leave U.S. District Court in Phoenix after their arraignment on June 7, 2017.
Mar 23, 2018

Legal documents: Indicted lobbyist’s ex-wife FBI informant in bribery case

The legal fate of a former utility regulator, the head of a utility and a lobbyist facing bribery, conspiracy and fraud charges could depend on whether jurors believe the lobbyist's former wife.

Stacks of voters' signatures were delivered to the Arizona Secretary of State's Office on Aug. 8 after Save Our Schools Arizona collected more than 110,000 signatures in three months. If it survives legal challenges, the referendum will appear on the 2018 general election ballot as Proposition 305. (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Mar 21, 2018

State high court says vote on voucher expansion can proceed

The justices affirmed Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Margaret Mahoney’s January ruling that state law at the time Proposition 305 was filed did not allow individuals to challenge petition drives.

Mar 19, 2018

Justices questions constitutionality of Arizona death penalty laws

Without comment the majority of the justices on Monday brushed aside claims by Abel Hidalgo that state laws fail to discriminate between the types of murders that merit execution and those for which a death penalty is inappropriate.

Mar 19, 2018

U.S. Supreme Court allows ‘Dreamers’ to drive

Arizona's "dreamers'' will keep their licenses to drive -- at least as long as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program remains in existence.

(Deposit Photos/Uros Poteko)
Mar 15, 2018

No card needed for visitors, new residents to use medical marijuana

Out-of-state visitors and new residents may possess and use medical marijuana if recommended by a physician under another state’s laws, the Arizona Court of Appeals ruled.

Mar 14, 2018

Disgraced entrepreneur who swayed AZ legislators target of federal suit

A California firm that parlayed a change in Arizona law to generate business here was charged Wednesday by federal regulators with defrauding investors with false claims about its technology -- the very technology that was cited in amending the state law.

Mar 13, 2018

Court of Appeals rules rental-car levy legal

In a key victory for the state's two largest counties, the judges overruled a lower court decision which said the Arizona Constitution requires levies connected with driving to be spent only on road and other transportation projects.

(Photo by Gary Grado/Arizona Capitol Times)
Mar 6, 2018

‘Dreamers’ tuition case turns on conflicts over definitions

The question of how much it will cost "dreamers'' to get a higher education in Arizona could turn on who the state Supreme Court decides is in this country with "lawful immigration status.''

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Mar 6, 2018

Brnovich argues state trumps feds in DACA driver’s license case

Attorney General Mark Brnovich lashed out at the Trump administration for asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reject Arizona's bid to deny driver's licenses to "dreamers.''

censorship, books, school board elections, Scottsdale Unified School District, candidates, Scottsdale Unified School District, election, governing board candidates, voters
Mar 5, 2018

Muslim scholar sues ASU over 2016 state law on Israel support

Claiming censorship, attorneys allege Arizona State University is illegally blocking a Muslim academician from speaking on campus because of his political beliefs.

Mar 4, 2018

Judge hears arguments in AG suit against regents

Lawyers for the Board of Regents told a judge Friday that Attorney General Mark Brnovich has no legal right to challenge the tuition it sets for the state's three universities -- or even the policies used to come up with those numbers.


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