Senators vote to set aside more than $100 million for charter school loan assistance
Republican lawmakers are moving to use state funds to help privately run charter schools borrow money at better interest rates.
Audit: 19 tribal schools in Arizona went uninspected for four years
At least 19 tribal schools in Arizona went four years or more without the inspections that are supposed to be performed every year by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, according to a recent Government Accountability Office audit.
Arizona parents must wait to see if third-graders held back
Arizona parents won't know until summer if their third-graders will be held back next school year.
State universities slated to get $5M for little-known ‘freedom schools’
One of the few reprieves the universities are getting is a $5 million addition specifically earmarked for “economic freedom schools.” However, many lawmakers have no idea what an “economic freedom school” or center is.
UA cancels workshop after teachers fail to recommend career
A University of Arizona effort to encourage high school seniors to become math teachers has fallen flat because teachers are reluctant to recommend their own career path.
Senate advances free speech protections on college campuses
The Senate has given preliminary approval to a measure protecting students' rights to free speech on college campuses.
Tribal officials lukewarm to plan to use federal money on school choice
Tribal leaders were noncommittal Friday about a proposal that would divert Bureau of Indian Education funds into education savings accounts that individual Native American children could use to attend schools of their choosing.
Bill to end dispute between Douglas and school board falters again
The House Education Committee chairman today reluctantly held a bill that would put an end to a dispute between the State Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas.
Bill defining school leaders’ powers gains new life
A bill to effectively settle disputes between the State Board of Education and Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas, has gained new life after being left to die.
School officials worry passage of Prop. 123 could dim enthusiasm for bond elections
All signs point to passage of Proposition 123, but some school districts are worried about voter fatigue when they return to the polls in November to ask for more money.
House postpones action on vouchers bill
The Arizona House of Representatives has postponed a debate on a bill to massively expand the state’s Empowerment Scholarship Account program. Several Republicans said the measure, which passed the Senate on Monday, doesn’t have the votes in the lower chamber.
Senate approves voucher plan decried as ‘the end of public education in Arizona’
State senators voted Monday to do what foes have argued has been their agenda all along -- allow every one of the 1.1 million students in Arizona to attend private and parochial schools with tax dollars.