GOP Sen. Lewis competes against Rep. Ableser in Democrat-friendly Tempe
After several tries, Sen. Jerry Lewis, R-Mesa, finally found a resident who was willing to step outside his door and talk about politics one Saturday morning in September. Armed with a voter list and a pocket full of flyers, Lewis, who is running for the state Senate against Democratic Rep. Ed Ableser of Tempe, had been knocking on several doors in a working class neighborhood in Tempe.
Property tax measure faces no opposition
A years-long quest to drastically lower property taxes on business equipment is finally on the ballot, without even a hint of organized opposition. Proposition 116 would amend the Arizona Constitution to raise the limit on the amount of business personal property that is exempt from property taxes. The ballot measure would raise the exemption from $68,000 to the equivalent of the average annual[...]
Other states with top-2 primaries show mixed results
Some critics worry that California’s 31st Congressional District reflects what will happen in Arizona if voters pass the top-two initiative to change the state’s primary election system.
Although the district leans Democratic, four Democrats split up the vote in the June primary, allowing two Republicans to advance to the general election.
Others predict that Arizona woul[...]
2 women say names were forged on Miranda’s ‘Thank You’ notes
Phoenix resident Judi Villa got a surprise in the mail last month. The 64-year-old grandmother opened a large envelope containing a “Thank You” note from Rep. Catherine Miranda for her $5 contribution to the Legislative District 27 candidate’s Clean Elections campaign.
Republicans in LD8 hoping to hang on despite Democratic dominance
Republicans in rural eastern Arizona are fighting against an almost 7 percentage point GOP voter registration deficit, trying to hold on to two House seats they picked up in the past two elections in a traditionally Democratic district.
Elimination of ‘95-105 rule’ seen as a new obstacle to ballot initiatives
The balance between election officials’ need for time to count signatures and petition gatherers’ need to satisfy a mathematical margin-of-error quietly tipped last year. The result is higher bar for citizen initiatives to get onto the ballot.
How Mitchell survived – for now
A look at how a winning candidate who clearly didn't live in the district he was running in might get elected even though a judge ruled that he should be taken off the ballot.
Pearce hopes fiction mirrors reality as he advocates Prop. 114
Former Senate President Russell Pearce is citing an urban legend that was a punch line in a Jim Carrey comedy to rally support for a ballot measure that bars criminals from suing their victims.
Darin Mitchell is (back) on the ballot
The Arizona Supreme Court today rejected Rep. Russ Jones’ emergency petition to keep state House candidate Darin Mitchell from appearing on the November ballot, meaning his name will remain there even if he is ultimately disqualified for living outside his district.
NRCC ponies up for Parker in CD9
The National Republican Congressional Committee is jumping into one of Arizona’s most competitive races with $900,000 in airtime in the 9th Congressional District.
Mitchell wins stay on ballot as opponent rushes to overturn it
A trio of judges granted state House candidate Darin Mitchell’s appeal to stay on the November ballot today, just moments before the final tally in the Legislative District 13 district meeting vote declared Rep. Russ Jones as Mitchell’s replacement.
Campaign against Prop. 204 collects more than $500k
The campaign to defeat a 1-cent sales tax initiative collected $550,000 from three sources with ties to Republican causes and candidates.