Field of candidates in race for CD1 seat narrows
The field of candidates in Arizona's 1st Congressional District race is narrowing.
Republican incumbents battle in Arizona’s 6th Congressional District
Two Republican incumbents are battling it out in a primary race in Arizona's 6th Congressional District, a situation the GOP desperately wanted to avoid in redistricting.
Jabs aside, Téran mobilizing community support in hopes of ousting Meza
The LD30 fight embodies a shift in Arizona Democratic politics.
Election dustups could ruffle Bennett’s ambitions
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett holds an office normally associated with dry-as-dust election matters. But Bennett's handling of some of those matters produced notable political dustups for the former legislative leader who may run for governor in 2014.
Court rules calling 1-cent tax initiative an ‘increase’ illegal
A Republican-controlled legislative committee illegally crafted a biased description of a proposed sales tax initiative in hopes of convincing voters to reject it, a judge ruled Thursday.
Latino leaders request to be added to ‘Top 2’ challenge
Two prominent Latino leaders requested to be added as plaintiffs in a lawsuit aimed at stopping a ballot measure that would make a major change to Arizona's election process, claiming the change would lead to fewer minority candidates being elected in Arizona.
Worsley bruising Pearce on in-district LD25 fundraising
While the first round of campaign finance reports paints a limited picture of the closely watched primary race between former Sen. Russell Pearce and his Republican challenger, one thing is clear: Newcomer Bob Worsley is getting the hometown support, while the former Senate president is left wanting.
Record number of Pima County early ballots mailed
The Pima County Recorder's Office is mailing out a record number of early ballots for the Aug. 28 primary election.
Meza accuses opponent of illegal campaign coordination
Sen. Robert Meza today filed a third complaint with the Arizona Secretary of State against his Legislative District 30 Democratic primary opponent, Raquel Téran.
This time, Meza claims Téran’s campaign illegally coordinated with an independent expenditure committee that produced campaign mailers promoting Téran.
Race to the top: Many Latinos wary of ‘top 2’ ballot initiative
As the Open Government Committee tries to convince Arizonans to support its plan for a “top-two” primary election system in Arizona, it has yet to convince the state’s fastest growing voting bloc.
Arizona high court to explain Cheuvront-McDermott ruling
The Arizona Supreme Court on Friday will issue an opinion explaining why it put a Democratic legislative candidate back on the primary election ballot for a state House seat from a Phoenix district.
Latino voter group volunteers brave sweltering heat, slammed doors
Team Awesome began in February 2011 with a small group of college students who were tired of how they felt the Latino community was viewed and represented by politicians.