Arizona Military Commission Officials Optimistic Bases Won't Be Targeted For Shutdown
Members of Governor Napolitano’s Military Affairs Commission are optimistic that Arizona’s installations won’t be listed among base closures to be recommended May 13. Commission members and others closely involved in... […]
Investigator: Rep. Rosati Violated Campaign Finance Law; Recommends $20,000 Fine
Business Group Criticizes Bills Targeting Illegal Immigrants, Employers
So far, Senate Republicans have avoided roll call votes on penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants. Rather than facing roll call votes on 16 amendments to bills dealing with... […]
Corporation Commission Should Increase Clean, Renewable Energy
We know that if we produce more of our energy from renewable sources available in Arizona including solar and wind power we will have less air pollution and less adverse... […]
Rumors Aplenty On Base Closures, Defense Decisions Due May 13
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is scheduled to make his recommendations for military base closures May 13, and Governor Napolitano says rumors abound. “That’s all they are — rumors,” she... […]
Rep. Steve Gallardo
As one of the most outspoken House Democrats, Rep. Steve Gallardo has had ample opportunity to speak this session, as the Republican majority has pushed for numerous pieces of legislation... […]
All-Day K Funding Saved, Vouchers Dropped
A bill that would provide state funding for the second-year expansion of full-day kindergarten was facing a veto before a deal was struck between the governor and Republican leaders to... […]
State Needs Sound Forest Management – Now
Why isn’t there bi-partisan support for our “healthy forests≠” How did we go from common sense to politics as usual≠ Why is our governor, who has made dozens of trips... […]
6 Vie For Napolitano’s 2nd Supreme Court Pick
A half-dozen Arizona attorneys put their names in the hat May 3 to fill an upcoming vacancy on the state Supreme Court. A state nominating commission will screen the six... […]
Legislature OK's Budget
An $8.3 billion balanced budget that expands school choice for Arizona families, provides an economic stimulus package through tax relief and offers substantial teacher pay increases was passed by the... […]
‘There Is Beer In This Town’
Sergeant John Spring arrived at Tucson’s Camp Lowell with Company E at the 3rd Battalion of the 14th U.S. Infantry on April 28, 1866. That evening, he recorded the following... […]