Sound, long-range planning — not politics — needed at Navajo coal plant
Election seasons are always filled with spin and rhetoric. But important issues for Arizonans are not well-served when that’s too much the case and the facts get lost.
Both parties’ platforms buy into false premises on immigration reform
U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor is correct in his assertion that the DREAM Act only addresses part of the problem and broader, sensible reforms are needed if we really want to do something about immigration.
Please, no tombstones for community newspapers
The decline and death of so many national publications, including newspapers, prompts me to submit the following. Those who will suffer from the demise of print media are not publishers or advertisers. Those who will suffer the most substantially are readers — consumers of news and opinion content of publications.
Dissecting party platforms, party principles and the economy
The Republican and Democratic national conventions are behind us — probably to the relief of many Americans.
SRP should join APS and SW Gas in not raising rates for low-income customers
Census figures from 2011 to be released this fall will show that progress in combating poverty has taken a giant leap backwards.
Families also have the right to not be exposed to indecency on TV
Most people would not disagree that American society has grown coarser. One aspect of this coarsening is the content our children may see simply by turning on TV.
The 4 big worries facing the U.S. economy
We’re in the midst of one of the most critical presidential and congressional elections in recent history — certainly the most important since 1980. Of course, we have heard and... […]
Intel expansion shows GOP leads the way for job creation
You’ve probably heard lawmakers exclaiming that their priorities are “jobs, jobs and jobs.” No matter what the issue of the day happens to be, leaders on both sides of the aisle will say the focus must be on jobs and the economy.
Arizona’s Solar Energy Credit Program is a bait-and-switch
Our company evaluated the cost/payback to add solar panels to our auto mall building. The Federal Tax Credit helped shorten the time it would take to recoup our investment, but the Arizona tax credit — 10 percent of the purchase price — placed the project into the “let’s do it” category.
The NFL is way better than politics
After Labor Day 2012 (Sept. 3) two big seasons kick off, i.e., the National Football League season and the 2012 election season.
Challenging Cathi Herrod, the ‘self-appointed sheriff of wombs and bedrooms’
“Congress” and by definition states, “shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” These beginning clauses to the First Amendment of our Bill of Rights are rooted in the Flushing Remonstrance of 1657. This religious declaration of independence was drawn up by 30 residents of the New Netherland colony, willing to forfeit freedom, p[...]
Presidential politics two decades later: not too different
Comparing the 1992 presidential campaign to the 2012 contest, I can’t decide if it’s interesting or sad how little the politics and issues have changed over two decades.