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Oct 2, 2020

U.S. Supreme Court takes on Arizona ballot harvest law

Arizonans remain legally barred from taking someone else’s ballot to the polls, at least for this election. Without comment, the U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to review the decision... […]

elections, Kavanagh, Lake, Hobbs, PBS, Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission, debate, ASU
Oct 2, 2020

A lot could go wrong for both flyers in LD6 Senate race

In 2018, Felicia French came within 600 votes of doing the improbable – a Democrat flipping a legislative seat in northern Arizona and creating a 30-30 deadlock in the House.

crime victims, survivors, House bill
Oct 2, 2020

Prosecutors to create statewide list of dishonest cops

Prosecutors have agreed to create a statewide database of officers whose truthfulness or honesty may be questionable.

solar power, House, legislation, wind power, Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association
Oct 1, 2020

Corp Comm candidates debate dark money, renewable energy

The three Republicans running to become state utility regulators warn that putting Democrats in charge of the regulatory panel would turn Arizona into California. And they don’t mean that in... […]

election, citizens, nonprofits, propositions, Prop 309, Proposition 132, vote, election
Oct 1, 2020

Groups ask court to extend voter registration deadline

Saying the pandemic interfered with the process, two groups want more time to sign up voters for this election.

Sep 30, 2020

Prop. 208 would harm Arizonans, not improve education

On Election Day, Arizonans will be asked if they want to impose a permanent $1 billion income tax increase. This tax hike – Prop 208 – would be the largest... […]

Sep 29, 2020

Alone among Democrats, Sinema stays silent on GOP Supreme Court push

Almost every Senate Democrat has come out against President Trump’s plan to rush through a replacement for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - except Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema.

minimum wage, House, lawmakers, Livingston, Heap
Sep 28, 2020

Another round of voter-approved minimum wage boosts to take effect

What would you buy with an extra $6 a week? Two gallons of milk? A Big Mac Meal? An overpriced venti half-caf, sugar-free latte?

Sep 28, 2020

Q&A with Kelli Donley Williams

Mental health and suicide have gained more attention from state government over the past few years, with several bipartisan bills aimed at improving mental health in teens. Kelli Donley Williams,... […]

Sep 28, 2020

Environmentalists seek protections for dry riverbeds

The future is murky for many Arizona rivers and streams now that changes to the Clean Water Act have narrowed federal oversight. Yet with no map or list delineating where state control begins, the number of vulnerable waterways in Arizona is immense.

Sep 28, 2020

Lawmaker to push bill banning sale of Colorado River rights

As far as Rep. Regina Cobb, R-Kingman, is concerned, she has just begun to fight. Cobb remains steadfast against a deal that allows a farm along the Colorado River to sell millions of gallons of water to the city of Queen Creek.

Sep 26, 2020

Fontes asks judge to rule vote by video is legal

Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes wants a court to bless the practice he is using that allows some people to cast a ballot by video conference.


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