
Times Past

A-1 Mountain as seen from an aerial photo. The southwestern part of Fort Valley is in the center of the picture.
Jan 7, 2013

Locating Lowell

Flagstaff was but 12 years old in 1894 and still struggling to exist, but the rough town became a topic of international attention when an eminent New Englander arrived to scout possible locations to establish an observatory. The opening of Lowell Observatory was the first of several major scientific organizations to locate in the town that was already well-known to scientists and explorers for it[...]

A migrant family travels across Gila County.
Jan 2, 2013

Hard Times: The WPA in Phoenix

For those born after WWII, it is hard to imagine the widespread unemployment and accompanying anxiety of families who could not find work during the early years of the Great Depression.

Soldiers in tents outside the Phelps Dodge Mercantile store were stationed in Morenci to control the mining strike of 1903.
Dec 10, 2012

Morenci: 1903 Strike

The store pictured here was constructed at Morenci in 1901 by the Detroit Copper Company and known as the DC Store. Its rear wall and basement were fashioned from limestone and the balance of the structure was built with red granite quarried from nearby Morenci Canyon.

Ponderosa pine regeneration on the Coconino National Forest.
Dec 3, 2012

A forest by any other name

The July 3, 1908, edition of Flagstaff’s Coconino Sun announced: “The San Francisco Mtns and Grand Canyon(South) National Forests have been consolidated under the name of the Coconino Nation(al) Forest. While this will be confusing for a few years, it will greatly simplify the work of the Supervisor’s office.”

Nov 28, 2012


In the mid 1800s, Manuelito led the Navajos in some of the fiercest battles of the Indian wars with the U.S. He was born near Bear’s Ear in Utah and belonged to the Bit’ahni clan.

Edward Jackson, in Willcox about 1920.
Nov 16, 2012

‘Edward Jackson’

Little is known of Jackson’s early life. He claimed to have been born in Denver in 1877, but may have been born in San Antonio in 1878. He volunteered for military duty during the Spanish-American War, served in Manila in 1898 and — like many of his contemporaries — returned home with dysentery that would reoccur throughout his life.

The New Mills House, located at 618 W. Washington St., opened in 1895.
Nov 12, 2012

The New Mills House

Susie and Ernest Mills came to Arizona in 1881. Ernest was a Canadian who ran away from home to join the American Civil War. He served three years with an... […]

Arthur R. Smith and the ‘Phoenix Tribune’
Nov 1, 2012

Arthur R. Smith and the ‘Phoenix Tribune’

Small town newspapers have always kept community members informed of the latest births, marriages, deaths and church socials, controversial issues, news and even gossip.

A postcard of Yuma possibly used as an advertisement to lure health seekers to the Southwest’s therapeutic climate.
Oct 29, 2012

The ‘dry heat’ arrives in Arizona

In his 1878 book “Picturesque Arizona,” Enoch Conklin quotes Dr. A. M. Loryea: “The heat in Arizona, though high, is endurable in consequence of the dryness.” His statement may be the precursor to Arizona’s most quoted weather phrase: “but it’s a dry heat, so you don’t mind it.”

A descendent of Margaret (Maggie) Griffiths Hunt McCormick’s original rose bush sits near the main entrance to Old Main on Northern Arizona University’s north campus, next to Daughters of the American Revolution’s historic George Washington Elm tree.
Oct 22, 2012

Lady of the Red Rose Bush

In 1865, Margaret (Maggie) Griffiths Hunt McCormick, the lovely young bride of then-Territorial Secretary of State Richard C. McCormick, traveled with her groom to their new home in Prescott. To remind her of her childhood days, she planted a rose bush from New Jersey next to her Arizona home, which was the Governor’s Mansion, as Richard was named the second territorial governor in 1866.

Oct 12, 2012

Oliver Comstock, Unsung Arizona Hero

Sporting a pith helmet, linen suit and big white mutton chop sideburns, Oliver E. Comstock pedaled his bicycle along Tucson’s dusty roads with a soup kettle hanging from the handlebars. He will never be as famous as Wyatt Earp, but he was a real hero to Tent City residents.

Oct 8, 2012

Early Arizona Aviator Ralph Vaughan

Ralph Vaughan came to Arizona in 1929 to open a commuter air service from Globe to Phoenix. As a young adult, he became interested in flying and decided to make a career out of it.


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