Sen. Burns backs off shared-revenue issue
Senate President-elect Bob Burns vowed to keep his hands off the state’s system of revenue sharing with cities and towns, a marked departure from his previous position.“I’m backing off the […]
AZ Supreme Court refutes Limbaugh
No truth to rumors of court-imposed ban of immigration terms
The Grand New Party: Arizona congressional Republicans look to GOP’s future
Arizona’s Republican representatives say the party needs to reprioritize as Democrats seize more control of Congress. The”R” that follows Republican lawmakers’ names may soon come to symbolize more than their […]
Harper interested in running for secretary of state
Sen. Jack Harper of Surprise has filed an exploratory committee for the position of secretary of state. “The position (becomes) open in 2010, and that is something that interests me,” […]
Panel recommends two-year reauthorization of ADEQ
Restrictions recommended on cap-and-trade and Western Climate Initiative
Prop. 102: Did measure to ban same-sex marriages seal GOP legislative wins?
About 300 people turned out Oct. 29 in north central Phoenix to demonstrate against Prop. 102, which amends the state Constitution to ban gay marriage. The measure passed by a […]
State GOP responds to complaint, says no laws were broken
Pullen argues no foul because SCA money was returned
KidsCare advocates seek private money as legislators consider possible cuts
Advocates of the state’s health care program for children plan to offset expected cuts at the state level by turning to the private sector to raise resources needed to keep […]
ASU economist: tax increases should be part of budget solution
JLBC economist says assessment is nonsense
History is a moving experience
Dave Rodacks of Graebel Van Lines checks shelving for the Arizona history collection at the Polly Richard Ramirez pushed a large container of maps down a long, cool corridor of […]
Legislative budget analysts review assessment of protected spending
Conventional wisdom at the Capitol has been that about two-thirds of the state’s budget runs on autopilot, with the money being appropriated each year with little oversight by lawmakers.But the […]