Funding cut for state’s domestic abuse shelters
By Marette Mendozamarette.mendoza@azcapitoltimes.comThe Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education was notified last week by the U.S. Department of Justice that it would no longer receive the department’s Legal Assistance... […]
Report: Wastewater plants biggest polluters
Dirty Water Stephen Reed, federal field organizer for Environment Arizona, told reporters that more 40 percent of Arizona’s wastewater and other facilities exceeded pollution levels allowed by the Clean Water... […]
Bee rejects editorials pressuring him on congressional race
Two newspapers in Tim Bee’s district have called on the Senate president to declare now whether he is running for Congress, but Bee is sticking to his game plan.Meanwhile, the... […]
Foreclosure tide sweeps over Queen Creek neighborhood
Out on Phoenix’s suburban fringes, where cement mixers are fast colonizing what’s left of the hay and cotton fields, the day is winding to a close. The home hour has... […]
38 measures on ballots in 7 states this fall
Famed cyclist and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong is using his star power to encourage fellow Texans to support a ballot measure this November that would secure $3 billion for cancer... […]
Colleges go on offense against binge drinking
More than 200 universities require incoming freshmen to take AlcoholEdu, an online course that informs students about drinking’s impact on the mind and body, before enrolling in school.To many college... […]
Blunt-talking McCain buoyed by polls, fundraising
Buoyed by polls showing a slight uptick, as well as fundraising he says is improving, Sen. John McCain set out to win New Hampshire votes with his trademark blunt talk.... […]
Arizona ranks near bottom for college student financial aid-grants
The Arizona Board of Regents is considering ways to get additional state money for financial aid grants to college students. According to the latest survey by the National Association of... […]
70 miles of new border fencing almost complete
Seventy miles of new fence along the U.S. border with Mexico was expected to be finished by Sept. 30, completing the first phase of a plan to add 370 miles... […]
Bipartisan effort proposed to solve budget deficit
For the fifth month in a row, the state collected far less revenue than projected, bringing the budget shortfall for the current fiscal year to more than $300 million.August revenue... […]
Toll roads recommended to ease transportation crunch
Lawmakers have begun looking for ways to pay for much-needed solutions to a transportation grid already stretched by booming growth and a special legislative panel is discussing ideas that could... […]
Lawsuit seen as test case of property rights law
Four Flagstaff residents on Oct.3 sued the city in what is regarded as a test case of enforcement of a sweeping property-rights law approved by Arizona voters last year.The lawsuit... […]