
2014 governor's race

Sep 24, 2014

Full-court press in effect

There is also a campaign to silence business groups on Prop 480. Political consultant Chuck Coughlin, whose firm is running the pro campaign, sent letters to board members of the Mesa Chamber of Commerce and Arizona Chamber of Commerce to let them know it “behooves” them to stay on the sidelines on this one and let voters decide.

Sep 22, 2014

Ducey, DuVal plans must wait for economy they can’t control

Gubernatorial hopefuls Doug Ducey and Fred DuVal both have ambitious plans that they say will strengthen Arizona’s economy, but they can’t implement them unless the economy actually improves first.

Arizona Treasurer and Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Ducey formally announces the beginning of his campaign (Photo by Ryan Cook/RJ Cook Photography)
Sep 4, 2014

Jones, Smith endorse Ducey

Arizona Republicans are officially unified, at least when it comes to party’s nominee for governor.

Christine Jones and Scott Smith, Republican nominee Doug Ducey’s top two opponents in the GOP primary, endorsed the state treasurer today.

Jul 1, 2014

Smith alleges illegal Ducey coordination

Attorneys for Scott Smith filed a complaint with the Arizona Secretary of State's Office and the Citizens Clean Elections Commission today alleging illegal coordination between Doug Ducey’s campaign for governor and an outside group that funded an ad blasting Smith.

Jul 1, 2014

Top gubernatorial candidates rake in cash

Thanks to several large personal loans made to her campaign, Christine Jones handily led a crowded Republican gubernatorial primary field in both available resources and money spent.

Jun 23, 2014

Captain Al sends distress call

Melvin appears to be setting the stage for an early exit from the gubernatorial race. In an email to supporters, Melvin pleaded for $5 contributions to qualify for public financing and thereby make his run viable.

Jun 13, 2014

Libertarian Hess faces signature challenge

Barry Hess, the perennial Libertarian candidate for governor, fought successfully against legislation that would have required third-party candidates to collect thousands of signatures to get on the ballot. Now a challenge filed by a Republican activist alleges that he fell short of the 133 signatures he needs to run for governor.

Former Mesa Mayor Scott Smith (left, Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times) and State Treasurer Doug Ducey (photo by Ryan Cook/RJ Cook Photography)
Jun 6, 2014

In race for governor, Ducey and Smith lead scramble for business support

While most of the candidates who are running for governor this year are touting their experience in the private sector, two stand out as favorites of the business community and recipients of their financial largesse.

May 28, 2014

AZ governor candidates Ducey, Riggs file day before deadline

Two Republican candidates vying to be governor of Arizona have filed necessary signatures to get on the ballot.

May 16, 2014

Pro-Ducey IE’s poll yields pro-Ducey result

Just one week after the Republic reported that Ducey was bringing up the rear in most gubernatorial campaigns’ internal polls, a new poll commissioned by the pro-Ducey IE Conservative Leadership for Arizona shows him not only leading the GOP primary, but with about twice the support of any other candidate.

May 8, 2014

DuVal files signatures for governor’s race

Fred DuVal, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2014 governor’s race, filed more than 10,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot.

May 8, 2014

Macro economics 101: The signature scramble

One GOP legislator who had her nominating signatures gathered months ago told our reporter that there are several incumbent Republicans scrambling to get their signatures collected in advance of the May 28 filing deadline.


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