
Affordable Care Act

May 5, 2011

Ask again later… Brewer’s vetoes have some GOP conservatives searching for answers

A string of vetoes is making some Republican legislators wonder if they should turn to Magic 8-Balls, tarot cards and tea leaves next session if they want to know what Gov. Jan Brewer will think of their bills.

Mar 14, 2011

Brewer committed to small K-12 cuts

Some Republican lawmakers are predicting that they’ll have a budget on Gov. Jan Brewer’s desk by the time the 2011 session hits the 60-day mark, but first, someone will have to budge on K-12 spending and rollovers.

Oct 21, 2010

Supporters say Proposition 106 protects health care rights; foes call it useless

Supporters of Proposition 106 say allowing Arizonans to opt out of any federal or state health care mandate would preserve the right of individuals to make their own decisions. Opponents, however, say the measure could derail the benefits of federal health care reform here if the state can defend it in court.


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