AG: Officials must preserve public records even on private phones
Public officials can’t use private phones or social media messages to get around public records laws, according to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.
Arizona Supreme Court weighs same-sex divorce case
Saying it's only fair, an attorney for a gay woman who is getting divorced told the Arizona Supreme Court Tuesday that his client is entitled to the same rights of parenthood of a child born during the marriage as if she were a man.
High court: Same-sex married couples entitled to ‘constellation of benefits’
A new ruling Monday by the U.S. Supreme Court could strengthen claims by gays that they're entitled to more than just the right to marry.
Lobbyist: Goldwater Institute wants to ‘second guess’ Legislature with regulatory law
SB1437 puts limits on what Goldwater officials describe as burdensome and unnecessary occupational regulations by limiting them to only those needed for one of three narrow purposes – public health, safety or welfare.
Arizona Supreme Court limits right of tribes to intercede in adoption cases
In a unanimous decision, the justices rejected arguments by the Gila River Indian Community that Arizona court must transfer such cases to tribal courts. Writing for the court Chief Justice Scott Bales said while such transfer is permissive, it is not a right.
Judicial conduct panel reprimands justice of the peace
A state commission reprimanded a Maricopa County justice of the peace Wednesday for violating state ethics rules during his 2016 election campaign.
Arizona Supreme Court backs Horne in challenge to $400,000 campaign fine
The decision overturned two lower court rulings and handed the former attorney general a major victory in the scandal that ultimately contributed to his election defeat.
Arizona Supreme Court: Bad friends, bad neighborhood don’t make for good search
Simply being around suspicious activity is not grounds for police to search a person, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Tuesday.
Fake child sex victim case under Supreme Court scrutiny
The state's high court has agreed to decide whether people can be convicted of soliciting sex with a child even if there never was any actual child to begin with.
Fired child welfare workers lose bid to get back jobs
The case has its roots in the finding in late 2013 that almost one of every 12 child-abuse complaints reported to Child Protective Services that year was not investigated.
Arizona Supreme Court returns convicted murderer to death row
The Arizona Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty today for convicted murderer Darrel Pandeli after finding a Maricopa County Superior Court judge overstepped his bounds when reviewing the case.
Lawsuit settlement signals end of current redistricting commission
Seven years after it was appointed to redraw the state’s congressional and legislative districts, the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission is preparing to shut down operations following the settlement of the final lawsuit against it.