
Arizona Supreme Court

Apr 25, 2013

Thomas to launch 2014 gubernatorial bid

Former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas announced in an email today that he will file paperwork to launch a 2014 gubernatorial campaign.

Apr 19, 2013

Opponents say higher contribution limits violate Clean Elections, Voter Protection Act

A provision in the 1998 ballot measure that created Arizona’s Clean Elections system may hold the key to whether the state’s new campaign contribution limits will go into effect for 2014.

Apr 16, 2013

State appeals court ruling on education funding

The Attorney General’s Office is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to overturn a lower court ruling that said lawmakers violated the will of voters three years ago when they failed to increase education funding to match inflation. The state filed the appeal and argued that the Arizona Court of Appeals erred in its Jan. 15 decision in which it found that the 1998 Voter Protection Act allows vote[...]

Mar 19, 2013

Supreme Court deals potentially fatal setback to Arizona medical marijuana lawsuit

The Arizona Supreme Court today denied a request to have the state’s preeminent medical marijuana lawsuit skip an appellate court review and move directly to the state’s high court, leading advocates of the system to declare victory in the more-than-two-year legal struggle over the voter-approved law’s legitimacy.

Mar 19, 2013

AZ Supreme Court to consider appeal on medical marijuana law

The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday is scheduled to consider whether to accelerate consideration of an appeal of a judge's ruling that the state's medical marijuana law is constitutional.

Mar 12, 2013

Arizona law on medical malpractice suits upheld

A new Arizona Supreme Court ruling upholds a state law that seeks to screen out flimsy medical-malpractice suits by requiring that plaintiffs have a testifying witness from the same medical specialty as the doctor being sued.

Mar 8, 2013

Sailing away? Arizona facing decision to save or do away with Clean Elections

As fewer candidates choose to run for office using Arizona’s Clean Elections system, lawmakers are sensing the system’s vulnerability and are preparing to deal a death blow.

Mar 5, 2013

Arizona Supreme Court restricts challenges to restitution

The Arizona Supreme Court says a person who pleads guilty under a plea agreement has only very limited rights to challenge a restitution order that follows.

United States Supreme Court
Feb 26, 2013

Supreme Court questions legality of warrantless DNA collection

As they grilled the lawyers arguing before them on the issue of whether police can collect DNA samples from unconvicted arrestees without a warrant, the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged just how high the stakes are.

Feb 25, 2013

Bills would ban mandatory membership in State Bar, but support lacking

Identical, obscure proposals in each legislative chamber would make a major change to the state’s legal system. And even though they appear to be dead, the question of whether it’s right to force lawyers to join the State Bar of Arizona will likely rise again.

Feb 13, 2013

Court ruling upholds DUI test for marijuana

Motorists in Arizona can continue to be prosecuted for driving under the influence of marijuana even if the only proof is a blood test that shows a chemical compound that doesn't cause impairment but can remain in the blood for a month, a state appellate court has ruled.

Feb 11, 2013

Kent Cattani appointed to Arizona Court of Appeals

A lawyer who has worked for the Arizona Attorney General's Office since 1991 has been appointed to the Arizona Court of Appeals.


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