Time for Arizona to stand against Tehran-sponsored extremism
This February marks the anniversary of a momentous event in the modern history of democracy and extremism. Protests swept through the streets of Tehran and major cities across the country, as protest spread like wildfire and the trains and major businesses ground to a halt.
Senate panel approves Clean Elections repeal measure
Republican critics of Clean Elections have renewed their long-term goal of convincing voters to repeal Arizona’s system of public campaign funding and are hoping that some extra money for K-12 education will help sweeten the deal.
Staffer blows whistle on G. Pierce’s ‘secret’ meetings
A whistleblower at the Corp Comm has accused former Commissioner Gary Pierce of secretly meeting with APS CEO Don Brandt and his predecessor, Don Robinson, while the utility was in the middle of rate cases before the regulatory body, Channel 12’s Brahm Resnik reported yesterday (Feb. 18).
Proxy war: Bill aims to limit abuse in intraparty elections
A Senate panel has advanced a bill that attempts to rein in the rampant use of proxies at Republican intraparty elections, but some local party leaders say the bill is unnecessarily overreaching.
Bill seeks to crack down on fake service animals by allowing restaurants to ban all service animals
Republican Rep. Bob Thorpe of Flagstaff wants to ensure that the fluffy dog sitting next to you in a restaurant is really a service animal, and not just someone’s pet.
Bill would restrict public access to footage from police body cameras
State lawmakers took the first steps Wednesday to restricting public access to the images from police body cameras. SB 1300 neither requires nor prohibits officers from taking videos when they deal with the public.
Lawmakers move to kill Common Core standards in Arizona
State lawmakers are moving to do what schools chief Diane Douglas has so far been unable: Kill the Common Core academic standards and any tests associated with them.
Ducey appoints new head of economic security department
Gov. Doug Ducey has appointed a businessman who has never worked in government as the new director of the Arizona Department of Economic Security.
Republican reps oppose proposed monument near Grand Canyon
Four Republicans in Arizona's U.S. House delegation are going on record as opposing a push to create a national monument near the Grand Canyon.
Douglas supporter: It’s time to stand your ground
As noted yesterday, Douglas supporter and former campaign aide Wes Harris is disappointed with the superintendent’s “capitulation” of letting Thompson and Vasquez back to work, but he sees a chance to rectify the situation.
Uncle’s death motivates lobbying of self-made billionaire
HB2645 is a relatively obscure bill compared to the debates surrounding school finance, private prisons and industry wars lawmakers are gearing up to engage in. But the country’s youngest self-made woman billionaire thinks the proposed law will revolutionize health care.
Negotiations to update Arizona ridesharing law progressing
A key lawmaker said talks she's leading among taxi firms, rideshare companies such as Uber and insurers on an updated law regulating the new and growing rideshare industry are progressing.