Tax watchdog pushes bill to ban promotional expenditures
A tax watchdog is behind legislation that forbids political subdivisions from running promotional campaigns during elections to raise taxes.
South Mountain Freeway proposal to receive final decision soon
The proposed South Mountain Freeway, which would complete the Loop 101 and Loop 202 freeway systems, is expected to receive final approval early this year.
Lawmakers have tried 9 years in a row to prohibit texting while driving statewide
Democratic state Sen. Steve Farley of Tucson is hoping the 11th bill is the charm when it comes to banning texting while driving in Arizona.
Fundamental disagreement: Beer battle may be beyond compromise
Legislators may talk about finding a compromise between wholesalers and microbreweries in the ongoing craft beer battle, but for some involved in the legislative fight, negotiating seems like an impossible proposition.
SOS says political committee bill will apply to pending enforcement actions
A top official from the Secretary of State’s Office said the retroactivity clause in its bill to rewrite the definition of “political committee” should prevent the dismissal of any pending enforcement actions based on the old definition.
Board of Ed orders Douglas to allow fired employees back to work
The State Board of Education ordered Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas to allow two board staffers back to work, two days after she attempted to fire them and barred them from the Arizona Department of Education Building.
Board of Education to meet today about schools chief’s firings
The Arizona Board of Education has scheduled a special meeting for today that was apparently prompted by the firings of the board's executive director by the state schools chief.
This Royal Rumble only happens once every few years
Ducey’s reversal today of Douglas’s firing of the top two Board of Education staffers resulted in a no-holds-barred reaction from the superintendent, who promptly accused the governor of usurping her powers and a host of other sins.
Memorial honoring Ernest McFarland to be unveiled on Statehood Day
Ernest McFarland is finally getting the memorial he deserves, and his grandson couldn’t be happier.
The new “Ernest W. McFarland and the American Dream” Memorial, replacing a previous one that had fallen into disrepair, will be unveiled on Feb. 14 – Arizona Statehood Day – at Wesley Bolin Plaza.
New governor renews hope for old gun bills
Dale Wiebusch stood before the Senate Federalism, Mandates and Fiscal Responsibility Committee feeling the sensation of déjà vu.
Bill would redefine political committee to address constitutional issue
The legal wilderness that Arizona’s campaign finance regulations have encountered since a federal judge struck down a key statute last year may be nearing an end.
Community college bill is essential for Arizona students
When President Obama announced his plan to make community college free to all students, I felt that the future now looks bright for the younger generation of college hopefuls, especially for those students in Arizona.