LGBT leader Sheila Kloefkorn touts 2014 victories; says there’s more to do
It’s not lost on Sheila Kloefkorn that she’s part of an effort that’s making history by working to secure rights for members of Arizona’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.
One Community: ‘Equality is not political’
For four years, Angela Hughey has been handing out awards to heroes for equality as part of her company’s annual Spotlight on Success luncheon.
The Class of 1920
These students are the first graduating class of St. Mary’s High School in Phoenix. Founded in 1917, the school first held classes in the tiny second floor of St. Anthony’s grammar school (since razed) next to St. Mary’s Church.
Gay marriage in Arizona also brings divorce
Arizona courthouses can expect an uptick in divorces, as same-sex couples who were wed in other states seek to legally end their marriages after a federal judge struck down the state’s ban on gay marriage Friday.
Gay marriage ruling will bring renewed push for religious liberty protections
With marriage licenses just starting to be issued to gay couples across the state, lawmakers are already talking about ways to protect religious organizations and businesses from being forced to participate in gay marriages, and SB1062 is back on the forefront of many minds.
Waving the white flag
While Sedwick’s ruling wasn’t all that surprising – he had hinted he would rule this way and issued rulings in related cases indicating he believed the ban was unconstitutional – Horne’s subsequent announcement this morning that he wouldn’t appeal the ruling was somewhat unexpected
Proposition 122 aims to allow state to reject certain federal laws, rules
Rep. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City, says too many laws and edicts from Washington are interfering with the individual rights of Arizonans. To combat this, he suggests Arizona assert its sovereignty when state leaders or voters determine that one is unconstitutional.
Arizona pastors respond to same-sex marriages
Several churches and religious organizations have already taken a stand, but few prepared Sunday to address the issue of gay marriage in the wake of the decision to legalize it in Arizona.
Garcia rises from Senate analyst to candidate for state schools chief
David Garcia worked for a year at the Arizona Capitol last decade, but that didn’t motivate him to dive much deeper into politics, beyond voting.
Reluctant warrior remains true to her beliefs as she pursues public office
Diane Douglas had always been heavily involved in her only child’s education, grilling teachers and administrators about what and how they were doing things and about her daughter’s progress, whether it was good or bad.
Lawmakers eyeing e-cigarette taxation in light of looming budget deficit
The devastating recent state budget projections have some lawmakers eyeing additional taxes on e-cigarettes as a new source of revenue that could help bridge the $1 billion projected deficit by next year.
Barber and McSally slug it out with claims that don’t always ring true
U.S. Rep. Ron Barber is fired up. The Democratic congressman, often described as quiet and unassuming, is animated on Oct. 9 in front of a crowd of seniors at a Tucson YMCA, where he’s rallying them in preparation for get-out-the-vote efforts now that Election Day is just weeks away.