

Jun 6, 2014

Need a Rest? Lolomai Lodge, 1909

A 1909 ad in Flagstaff’s Coconino Sun newspaper enticed readers to take a break at the lovely Lolomai Lodge in Oak Creek Canyon. The lodge was one of several in the canyon, all catering to those seeking a respite from hectic days.

A helicopter battling the Slide Fire in Coconino National Forest which cost $10.2 million to contain as it burned more than 20,000 acres. The fire, which started May 20, was fully contained this week. (Photo by Mark Brady/U.S. Forest Service)
Jun 6, 2014

Officials ask Congress for funds to train firefighters, fight wildfires

Forestry and fire officials told a Senate subcommittee that federal, state and local firefighters need more funding, training and flexibility to effectively battle wildfires.

Judy Elizabeth Martinez, holding Marjorie, tries to reach family after being released by ICE at a Greyhound Bus station in Phoenix May 28, 2014. She is from Guatemala and was flown from Georgia to Arizona by ICE. The Border Patrol says about 400 migrants were flown from Texas to Arizona because of a surge in migrants being apprehended in Texas. (AP Photo)
Jun 6, 2014

DHS to stop transporting migrants to Arizona

Officials with the Honduran and Guatemalan consulates in Phoenix say no more migrant families are being transported to Arizona from Texas.

Jun 6, 2014

Planned Parenthood ruling sets stage for Supreme Court showdown

A 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to put a temporary hold on a state rule requiring doctors to use federal standards in administering abortion medication has set the stage for the case to go before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Former Mesa Mayor Scott Smith (left, Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times) and State Treasurer Doug Ducey (photo by Ryan Cook/RJ Cook Photography)
Jun 6, 2014

In race for governor, Ducey and Smith lead scramble for business support

While most of the candidates who are running for governor this year are touting their experience in the private sector, two stand out as favorites of the business community and recipients of their financial largesse.

Jun 6, 2014

Questions on immigration policy: Brewer’s letter to President Obama

I write regarding media reports that the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is transporting hundreds, and potentially thousands, of illegal aliens from the south Texas border and releasing them at bus stations in Tucson and Phoenix.

Jun 6, 2014

Ragtag Army: Life getting harder for paid petition circulators

He has been chased from two shopping centers already, and if Steve Martin is kicked out of this one, he won’t earn any money today. It didn’t used to be so difficult for professional petition circulators like Martin, but changes to state law and business policies have made life harder for them.

Jun 5, 2014

PSPRS board urges Brewer to call special session

The board that oversees Arizona’s pension system for police, firefighter and other public safety employees voted to urge Gov. Jan Brewer to call a special session to fix funding problems in the state’s public employees’ pension system, though it declined to recommend the only concrete plan proposed so far.

Jun 5, 2014

AZ state board to vote on pension-overhaul plan

The state's police and fire pension oversight board is set to vote on a proposal to overhaul the system and bolster its finances.

Jun 5, 2014

Longtime Mohave County sheriff to retire

KINGMAN ai??i?? The longtime sheriff of Mohave County in northwestern Arizona has announced he's retiring.

Jun 4, 2014

State: Looming federal fund shortfall will not hit road projects – yet

WASHINGTON – Despite a possible shortfall in the federal highway trust fund, the Arizona Department of Transportation does not anticipate delays of any current or scheduled projects this summer, a spokeswoman said.

Jun 4, 2014

Phoenix gets praise from White House for aid to vets

WASHINGTON – It’s been a rough couple weeks for Phoenix as far as the news that has been coming out of the city about veterans. But on Wednesday, the White House delivered a welcome bit of good news.


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