Sen. John McCain hears vets complaints over VA
Sen. John McCain listened to complaints from several veterans over the Veterans Affairs system, telling them that reported lapses in care in Phoenix are part of a nationwide problem that needs to be fixed.
Arizona court overturns ruling on bus-stop gun ads
The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled May 8 that the city of Phoenix violated a gun-rights activist's constitutional protections when it removed his bus-stop ads saying "guns save lives."
Court stays voter citizenship proof requirement
Kansas and Arizona residents can continue to register to vote for now using a federal form without having to provide proof of citizenship, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.
Arizona would benefit by staying off Comedy Central, experts say
What’s the best way to boost the Arizona economy? Stop getting mentioned on “The Daily Show.” At least that’s the consensus of three economists from Arizona State University.
Chambers’ dilemma: After Common Core and Medicaid, who should they endorse?
In the last two years, more than two dozen legislators who had received the support of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the 2012 elections fought the business community on two of its biggest policy battles — upholding Common Core and expanding Medicaid.
Public interest law center celebrates 40th anniversary
A legislative session doesn’t pass without the imprint of the Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest.
The Peshlakai Family of Wupatki
This photograph of a Christmas gathering was taken in 1935 on the grounds of the Wupatki National Monument north of Flagstaff. The family in the photograph is (from left) Sally Peshlakai, Etsidi Peshlakai (Sally’s father-in-law), Etsidi’s wife and their grandchildren.
Chambers to back fewer, but make it worth it?
As noted on Monday, more than two dozen legislators backed by the Arizona Chamber during the 2012 election cycle stood opposite the business community on Common Core and Medicaid expansion, despite generally being reliable business allies on taxation, regulation and tort issues.
Capitol Quotes: May 9, 2014
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances from Arizona's political scene.
A wake-up call on climate change
Although the Arizona Legislature and governor continue to outright deny or completely ignore the impacts of climate change, the news for Arizona is not good.
State has boosted CPS budget by more than $240 million in six years
Lawmakers anxious about the prospect of spending tens of millions of dollars or more on child safety in an upcoming special session have their doubts — for a reason.
DuVal files signatures for governor’s race
Fred DuVal, the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2014 governor’s race, filed more than 10,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot.