

Feb 15, 2013

Brewer, AHCCCS expansion advocates tout general fund benefits

On its face, the Arizona Board of Regents and the universities they govern have little, if anything, to do with the state’s Medicaid program or Gov. Jan Brewer’s plans to expand it in accordance with the federal Affordable Care Act.

Feb 14, 2013

Lawmakers won’t get Valentine’s cards featuring Hitler, other dictators

The former Arizona director of a leading tea party group says he has scrapped plans to deliver Valentine’s Day cards that featured murderous dictators including Adolf Hitler to Republican lawmakers believed to oppose anti-union legislation.

Feb 14, 2013

Tobin: Union dues bills not moving in House

Arizona’s Republican congressmen recently sent a joint letter to House Speaker Andy Tobin asking him to push forward legislation barring automatic deductions of union dues from public employees’ paychecks.

Feb 14, 2013

Brewer marks state’s 101st birthday

Gov. Jan Brewer is marking Arizona's 101st birthday with two events Thursday at the Capitol.

The Arizona Game and Fish Department gets most of its operating budget from the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, permits, tags and stamps, including tags to hunt elk. (Arizona Game and Fish Department Photo)
Feb 14, 2013

Bill would put commission in charge of Game and Fish fees

Concerned that a complicated licensing system deters would-be hunters and anglers, the Arizona Game and Fish Department wants to simplify things by bundling options. But under current law any such changes must go through a three-year legislative process at the State Capitol.

Feb 13, 2013

Teen drivers face cellphone ban under Senate bill

Arizona lawmakers are going after teenage drivers who use wireless devices. A Senate committee advanced a bill Wednesday seeking to prohibit teenagers from using cellphones and other wireless devices while they have their learner's permit and during the first six months of their license.

Feb 13, 2013

Court ruling upholds DUI test for marijuana

Motorists in Arizona can continue to be prosecuted for driving under the influence of marijuana even if the only proof is a blood test that shows a chemical compound that doesn't cause impairment but can remain in the blood for a month, a state appellate court has ruled.

Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Mesa (AP/File photo)
Feb 13, 2013

Arizona lawmakers split – sharply – over State of the Union address

For Arizona lawmakers, President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address Tuesday was either an urgent national call to arms or a ruinous plan for big government, depending on which side of the aisle they sit on.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer speaks to the assembled media on Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013, at Tucson International Airport after an aerial tour of the Arizona border. The governor spoke on the latest status of border security efforts in Arizona, including the Tucson Sector - which remains the most heavily-traveled section of the U.S. border for illegal crossings. (AP Photo/Arizona Daily Star, Mike Christy)
Feb 12, 2013

Arizona governor: Border residents don’t feel safe

The border with Mexico won't be secure until the people living near there feel safe from drug and human trafficking, said Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Tuesday after touring the region just hours before President Barack Obama championed his immigration plan in the State of the Union address.

State Comptroller D. Clark Partridge said the state’s current, 20-year-old accounting system system has become increasingly bogged down in recent years to the point that it’s difficult to maintain. A multimillion-dollar upgrade is in the works. (Cronkite News Service Photo by Julia Tylor)
Feb 12, 2013

With accounting system ‘on the ropes,’ Arizona moving forward with upgrade

The state’s accounting system is on life support, but thanks to funding allocated last year by the governor and the Legislature it’s getting an overhaul that officials say is long overdue.

Feds chime in on Arizona's immigrant harboring ban
Feb 12, 2013

Arizona-based expenditure committee may head back to court on robocall allegations

Months after the election, Americans for Responsible Leadership is facing new legal troubles over its campaign activities.

Feb 12, 2013

Flake raises hopes for hearing on judicial nominee after 19-month wait

Freshman Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said he met with Rosemary Marquez and will review her writing, giving hope to her supporters that the long-delayed judicial nominee will finally get a hearing after 19 months.


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