Few Arizonans applying for deferred deportation program
Only 14,069 of the estimated 80,000 Arizonans eligible for deferred deportation had applied for the federal program through its first six months, a rate much lower than the nation as a whole.
Compact spurred Casino expansions: 2002 law transformed Indian gaming in Arizona
About the only thing left to chance since voters approved Arizona’s 2002 Indian Gaming Compact has been who wins the money wagered in the state’s casinos.
House speaker pushing tax credits, more expected
A proposal by Arizona House Speaker Andy Tobin to increase a tax credit given to businesses that invest in research and development by 200 percent could be just one of many pushed by Republicans again this year in the Legislature.
Arizona Dems hope against hope to get bills passed
Long in the minority in the Arizona Legislature and with little chance of getting any of their priorities passed, Democrats keep soldiering on.
Medical marijuana is a responsible program — reform, don’t repeal
Arizona’s Medical Marijuana law is two years old. Patients have had the ability to get medical marijuana cards, giving them the legal protection they need. But the regulated dispensary portion of the program that was specifically called for in the law has been delayed due to numerous obstructions and legal challenges from state and local officials, primarily Republicans.
Tide changing in Arizona’s immigration politics
At the recent Republican statewide meeting in a north central Phoenix church, pews were packed with party loyalists listening to elected officials speak about issues facing the state and the nation.
But the topic that would have dominated the conversation in past years — illegal immigration — was scarcely mentioned.
Few bills surface aimed at violence related to mental illness
In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, the call to address problems with the mental-health system and keep guns from mentally ill people has been as persistent as the talk about restricting firearms.
Arizona lawmakers predicted a San Francisco win
A poll of Arizona lawmakers showed solid agreement on one of the most important issues of the week: Who would take home the National Football League title.
Capitol Quotes: February 1, 2013
This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances from Arizona's political arena.
Lawmaker: Require notarized signatures for early voters
Requiring Arizonans to have their signatures notarized to get on the permanent early ballot list or to receive early ballots would help prevent voter fraud, a state lawmaker contends.
Gov. Jan Brewer hires new speechwriter
Gov. Jan Brewer has hired a longtime Phoenix area journalist and public relations professional to work as her speechwriter and public communications writer.
Brewer approves emergency funding for CPS
Gov. Jan Brewer signed an emergency appropriations bill today that provides $4.4 million for Child Protective Services to hire new staff, and lawmakers sent another bill to her desk to continue funding the Independent Redistricting Commission as it heads to trial in federal court.