Departing legislators ponder laws that might have been
Politicians who leave office, whether it’s by losing an election or reaching a term limit, have unfinished business.
Experts say Brewer can’t seek third term
The growing field of candidates eying the Ninth Floor in 2014 almost certainly can’t include Gov. Jan Brewer, according to election attorneys and other experts.
Calls for immigration reform evoke mixed feelings among Arizona Republicans
The day after the Nov. 6 election, a major shift appeared in the Republican Party.
With an eye toward President Barack Obama’s massive advantage with Latino voters, some prominent Republicans started calling for comprehensive immigration reform.
House announces committee chairs
House Speaker Andy Tobin set the House committee chairmanships today, offering the first look into who will control the flow of legislation in the House of Representatives for the 51st Legislature, which begins its work in January.
Hearings in Horne campaign finance case set for January
An administrative law judge scheduled six days of hearings in Attorney General Tom Horne’s campaign finance case to begin on Jan. 22.
Arizona foreclosures keep on dropping
The number of Arizona homes in some stage of the foreclosure process dropped again in October compared to a year ago, and homes actually repossessed by banks also dipped.
Border Patrol under scrutiny for deadly force
The Oct. 10 border shooting has prompted renewed outcry over the Border Patrol's use-of-force policies and angered human rights activists and Mexican officials who believe the incident has become part of a disturbing trend along the border ai??i?? gunning down rock-throwers rather than using non-lethal weapons.
Police: Mesa woman runs over husband for not voting
Police in Arizona say a Mesa woman injured her husband by running over him with an SUV because he didn't vote in last week's presidential election.
What’s in a name?
Latino Caucus members said that if they were going to run the caucus right this time, and really have an effect on the process, they would need a new name to escape some of the problems that plagued it in the past. While the vast majority of the group preferred keeping the name Arizona Latino Caucus, a few, including Gonzales and Quezada, preferred calling it the Arizona Chicano Caucus.
Horne: Federal ‘preclearance’ review of Arizona election changes outdated
With the U.S. Supreme Court set to review a law that requires federal approval of any changes to Arizona’s election laws and procedures, Attorney General Tom Horne said Tuesday the measure has outlived its usefulness.
McCain wants Watergate-style panel to probe Benghazi deaths
Sen. John McCain is calling for establishment of a Watergate-style congressional committee to investigate the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
We want out: Arizona secession petition quickly draws backers
Arizona has been in the union more than a century, but some residents appear to want out after the last election.