

Brother of former Senator Russell Pearce fined
Sep 27, 2012

Judicial Commission accuses Lester Pearce of improper campaigning

The Commission on Judicial Conduct today formally accused former Justice of the Peace Lester Pearce of violating judicial canons by campaigning for his brother, former Senate President Russell Pearce, during the Legislative District 19 recall election in 2011.

Sep 27, 2012

Arizona’s 6th Congressional District Democrat Matt Jette leaving the party

The Democrat who won the primary in Arizona's 6th Congressional District ditched the party on Thursday and said he will seek election as an independent.

Sep 27, 2012

ASU asks for money to move law school to Phoenix

Arizona State University is asking the state university board to approve nearly $130 million for a new downtown law school even though the university president acknowledges that moving the school is financially untenable.

Sep 27, 2012

Glendale continues fight against tribe’s casino plans

Glendale continues to oppose a southern Arizona tribe's plan to open a casino near the city's sports and entertainment district.

Sep 27, 2012

Hundreds attend memorial service for Sheriff Dever

Hundreds of law enforcement personnel and members of the general public attended a memorial service in Sierra Vista for longtime Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever.

Catherine Miranda challenger Daniel Coleman exploring ways to remove her from ballot
Sep 26, 2012

Miranda challenger exploring ways to remove her from ballot

The Republican challenger to Rep. Catherine Miranda, a Phoenix Democrat, called for her to resign from the Legislative District 27 House race today and said he is exploring legal options to kick her off the ballot amid investigations into forged campaign documents.

Former Rep. Doug Quelland misses deadline for paying state fines
Sep 26, 2012

Quelland misses deadline for paying state fines, proposes to pay $20k

Former legislator Doug Quelland has failed to pay the thousands of dollars that he owes the state for violating campaign finance laws.

Gov. Jan Brewer chief of staff Eileen Klein eyes Board of Regents presidency
Sep 26, 2012

Brewer chief of staff Klein eyes Board of Regents presidency

Eileen Klein, Gov. Jan Brewer’s chief of staff, is eyeing the presidency of the Arizona Board of Regents and may not be staying on the Ninth Floor for long.

Klein confirmed to the Arizona Capitol Times today that she will interview for the ABOR president position.

Republican candidates for the Arizona Corporation Commission Susan Bitter Smith, Bob Burns and Bob Stump agree to return some Clean Elections funding
Sep 26, 2012

GOP Corporation Commission candidates agree to return some Clean Elections funding

Arizona's campaign finance commission on Wednesday will consider a proposed settlement agreement to have the three Republican candidates return a total of nearly $29,000 of public financing.

Sep 26, 2012

Arizona highway to be used for Dever procession

Part of State Route 90 in southeastern Arizona will be used for Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever's funeral procession Wednesday afternoon, and the Department of Transportation says motorists can expect delays.

Sep 26, 2012

Arizona sheriff loses appeal on immigration law limit

A federal appeals court on Tuesday denied an Arizona sheriff's request to reverse a lower-court decision barring his deputies from detaining people solely on the suspicion that they're illegal immigrants.

Experts say Catherine Miranda signature forged on election documents
Sep 25, 2012

Experts say Miranda signature forged on election documents

Handwriting analysts have concluded that Rep. Catherine Miranda’s signature was forged on documents she submitted to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, and a “vast majority” of her campaign contributor signatures do not match signatures on file.


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