Gov. Jan Brewer: ‘no change’ on medical marijuana program
Arizona sheriffs want Gov. Jan Brewer to hold off on implementing the medical marijuana program's next stage, but they're being rebuffed.
Jabs aside, Téran mobilizing community support in hopes of ousting Meza
The LD30 fight embodies a shift in Arizona Democratic politics.
Election dustups could ruffle Bennett’s ambitions
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett holds an office normally associated with dry-as-dust election matters. But Bennett's handling of some of those matters produced notable political dustups for the former legislative leader who may run for governor in 2014.
Arizona may sue to get action by feds on air-quality plans, official says
Arizona is tired of waiting for the federal government to act on the state’s proposed air-quality plan and “very well may” sue the Environmental Protection Agency if action is not taken soon, a state official said Thursday.
Illegal immigrants to pay $465 for temporary work permits in lieu of deportation
The Obama administration said Friday that it will begin charging $465 this month for temporary work permits for many young illegal immigrants as it laid out details of one its signature new policies on immigration.
Arguments are set in appeal over Arizona day labor rules
An appeals court plans to hear arguments on Oct. 17 in Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's appeal of a ruling that prevents police from enforcing part of Arizona's immigration law that prohibits people from blocking traffic when they seek or offer day labor services.
January is target for Brewer’s decision on Medicaid expansion
Gov. Jan Brewer apparently won't say until January whether Arizona should expand the state's Medicaid program under the federal health care overhaul ai??i?? a decision that could present legislators with a white-hot political issue.
Latino leaders request to be added to ‘Top 2’ challenge
Two prominent Latino leaders requested to be added as plaintiffs in a lawsuit aimed at stopping a ballot measure that would make a major change to Arizona's election process, claiming the change would lead to fewer minority candidates being elected in Arizona.
Republicans ‘stole’ $50 million meant for homeowners
I am tired of the political cat and mouse game that Tea Party Republicans are playing with the Arizona Attorney General’s Mortgage Settlement Fund. It was wrong to sweep money from the fund to benefit the private prison industry at the expense of Arizona homeowners.
Capitol Quotes: August 3, 2012
This weeks most outstanding quips, gibes, and utterances.
Safety in numbers: ‘Rule of 10’ gives lawmakers conflict-of-interest leeway
Laws that dictate when a legislator has a conflict of interest leave miles of wiggle room for anyone looking to lend a hand to their business or industry.
Record number of Pima County early ballots mailed
The Pima County Recorder's Office is mailing out a record number of early ballots for the Aug. 28 primary election.