Arizona Corporation Commission OKs Rosemont Mine power line
The Arizona Corporation Commission has approved a compromise plan on a 13-mile power line for the proposed copper mine near Tucson.
Campbell to Bennett: resign Romney post
The minority leader of the Arizona House has called on Secretary of State Ken Bennett to resign as the Arizona co-chairman of Mitt Romney's campaign after Bennett questioned the validity of President Barack Obama's birth certificate.
Poll suggests tight race between Gould and Gosar
A poll released today by Ron Gould’s congressional campaign suggests a tight race between the state senator and U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar.
The two are vying for the Republican nomination in newly drawn 4th Congressional District.
Poll shows Romney ahead of Obama in Arizona
Campaign trail chatter about Arizona being up for grabs in November took a hit today with a new poll showing presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney pulling ahead of President Barack Obama.
Ron Barber, Jesse Kelly to debate tonight in fight for Giffords’ seat
The increasingly rancorous race between Democrat Ron Barber and Republican Jesse Kelly for Arizona's vacant 8th Congressional District seat goes before a live audience Wednesday night for the first time.
Ken Bennett sorry for birther flap, won’t keep Obama off Arizona ballot
Several days of coast-to-coast mockery led Secretary of State Ken Bennett today to apologize for embarrassing Arizona with inquiries about Barack Obama’s birth certificate and reverse course on earlier comments that he may keep the president off the ballot unless Hawaii officials certify that he was born there.
Arizona execution procedures challenged by First Amendment group
Taking a cue from a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals judge, a First Amendment group is asking a federal judge to let the public view more of an execution than what is permitted.
Jan Brewer begins trade mission to Germany, France
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is leading a state delegation that will travel to Germany and France for a trade promotion trip that runs into early June.
Drug demand reduction a key issue in border security
The fight against border drug trafficking must address reducing demand, federal and Arizona law enforcement officials told a congressional panel in Phoenix.
Republican challenge to legislative map drops request for interim 2012 plan
Lawyers for Arizona Republicans challenging the state's new legislative district map are dropping their effort to have a federal court draw an interim set of districts for use in this year's elections.
Ken Bennett reverses view on endorsements
An Arizona state official says he can oversee a fair election despite playing a role in Mitt Romney's presidential campaign.
Ron Barber, Jesse Kelly campaigns launch flurry of tv ads
Voters in southeastern Arizona's 8th Congressional District are seeing a flurry of television ads in advance of the June 12 special election to pick a successor for Democrat Gabrielle Giffords.