AZ Republicans pick presidential candidate Tuesday
Arizona Republicans head to the polls Tuesday to help pick a presidential nominee.
Democrats: Brewer’s support proves Romney is immigration extremist
Democrats led by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., wasted no time Monday using Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s endorsement of GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney as proof of Romney’s “extreme” immigration positions.
Effort to gut Clean Elections one step closer to the ballot
The Senate today gave preliminary approval to a ballot measure that aims to dismantle the public financing of candidates in elections. Before voters can decide the fate of the public campaign financing system, the measure still needs the full vote of the Senate and must be approved by the House of Representatives.
‘Parent empowerment’ bill barely passes Senate
A bill that would allow parents to shut down a failing school, fire its principal or turn it into a charter school narrowly won passage in the Senate today. The legislation applies to schools that receive a “D” or “F” under the state’s new grading system.
Fight continues against anti-union bills
Unions are stepping up the pressure on lawmakers as they seek the defeat of a slew of bills that would fundamentally weaken public unions in Arizona.
Race for open Senate seat has potential to be long, costly and bruising
For Tempe-based pollster Michael O’Neil, there are elections and then there are “real elections.”
He believes the race this year for the seat being vacated by Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl falls into the latter category.
Senate hopefuls brandish ‘outsider’ status – even if they worked in Washington
If there is one thing the four major candidates for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat can agree on, it’s that Arizonans don’t want to elect a business-as-usual politician this November.
Tucson lawmaker rejects calls for resignation
State Rep. Daniel Patterson is rejecting calls by Democratic legislative leaders and an Arizona Democratic Party official that the Tucson Democrat resign from the Legislature.
Democrats call on one of their own to resign
Democrats in the House and Senate are calling for one of their own to step down amid allegations of domestic violence.
Rep. Daniel Patterson’s former live-in girlfriend and campaign manager was granted an order of protection against him on Friday, liberal blog Three Sonorans reported yesterday.
Perhaps in an attempt to avoid another drawn-out saga like the one after former Sen.[...]
Bill would allow parents access to kids’ texts
Pending legislation could soon allow Arizona parents to see what text messages their children are sending and receiving.
Renewing Arizona: Transition from coal to clean
Now that many coal plants in the West are nearing the end of their intended life, utilities and regulators are faced with a critical choice: Do we sink hundreds of millions into existing coal plants so they can meet health standards or do we invest those funds in the transition to cleaner, cost-effective electricity systems using the West’s abundant solar, wind, geothermal and energy efficiency [...]
IRC estimates it will be flat broke by March
IRC Executive Director Ray Bladine responded late yesterday to the tone and content of the Feb. 17 letter from OSPB Director John Arnold that was mentioned in an item in yesterday’s report.