
attorney general

Mar 3, 2015

Attorney General settles lawsuit against Going Green Solar

The Arizona Attorney General’s office settled another consumer fraud case against a solar company for making calls to people on the Do Not Call registry and making deceptive claims during its sales pitches.

Attorney General Tom Horne (Associated Press Photo)
Nov 20, 2014

Clean Elections OKs settlement, Horne pays $10K fine

Attorney General Tom Horne paid a $10,000 fine to the Citizens Clean Elections Commission, officially ending the agency’s investigation into allegations that he illegally had Attorney General’s Office employees working on his re-election during work hours.

Sep 19, 2014

Soaring child-welfare caseloads push lawyers to ethical limit

A bulging caseload for lawyers in the child-welfare unit of the Attorney General’s Office raises questions about whether they can effectively represent their client, the Department of Child Services.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne listens to opening arguments from Yavapai Deputy County Attorney Benjamin Kreutzberg, in a hearing into allegations that Horne and political ally Kathleen Winn, violated campaign finance laws. (Photo by Tom Tingle/The Arizona Republic)
Sep 9, 2014

Clean Elections director recommends action against Horne

he executive director of the Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission recommended that the commission officially rule that Attorney General Tom Horne violated campaign finance laws by failing to report staffer time and office space he used for his re-election as contributions to his campaign. If the commission follows Collins’ recommendation at its Sept. 11 meeting, Horne could face up to $1[...]

Tom Horne
Sep 3, 2014

AZ abortion pill restrictions appealed to US Supreme Court

Attorney General Tom Horne is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that Arizona lawmakers can legally restrict the right of women to a medication abortion if they have “justification” to do so and other options remain.

Aug 26, 2014

Capitol Times readers offer primary predictions

The Arizona Capitol Times asked its readers to predict how the primary elections would turn out. Here’s a look at what the newspaper’s readers think will happen.

Aug 26, 2014

Voting today? Here’s what you need to know

So, you waited until today to vote. Perhaps you weren’t sure which candidate you like. Or maybe you just didn’t get an early ballot. There are some things you need to know.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne listens to opening arguments from Yavapai Deputy County Attorney Benjamin Kreutzberg, in a hearing into allegations that Horne and political ally Kathleen Winn, violated campaign finance laws. (Photo by Tom Tingle/The Arizona Republic)
Aug 19, 2014

Judge denies Horne injunction against Clean Elections

A Maricopa County judge denied Attorney General Tom Horne’s request to bar the Citizens Clean Elections Commission from investigating a campaign finance complaint against him.

Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne listens to opening arguments from Yavapai Deputy County Attorney Benjamin Kreutzberg, in a hearing into allegations that Horne and political ally Kathleen Winn, violated campaign finance laws. (Photo by Tom Tingle/The Arizona Republic)
Aug 11, 2014

Attorneys argue over scope of Clean Elections authority in Horne case

A Maricopa County Superior Court judge heard arguments in a case that will not only determine whether the Citizens Clean Elections Commission can investigate Attorney General Tom Horne, but whether it will be able to investigate any candidates who aren’t part of Arizona’s public campaign funding system.

Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission, elections, Clean Elections USA, ballots, voter intimidation, 2000 Mules, ballots, Melody Jennings
Jul 25, 2014

Clean Elections enforcement unchanged by new law

Now that SB1344 has taken effect, I write to announce that the Clean Elections Commission will continue its mission without change.

Timothy LaSota, the attorney representing Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, and Joe Kanefield, the attorney representing the Arizona Citizens' Clean Election Commission, talk during a July 11 hearing. (Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times)
Jul 16, 2014

Clean Elections Commission to discuss Horne investigation

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission is going to meet Thursday to discuss its investigation of Attorney General Tom Horne and his lawsuit to stop it.

Jul 10, 2014

Brewer throws her support to Horne’s opponent

Gov. Jan Brewer endorsed Horne’s GOP primary opponent, Mark Brnovich, on Thursday afternoon, citing the need for an attorney general “who will fill the office with integrity and compassion.”


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