Huppenthal has history of challenges
For political observers, the challenge to Sen. John Huppenthal’s petitions for Superintendent of Public Instruction won’t come as a surprise.
Capitol Quotes: June 11, 2010
‘The leadership that passed this bill was not thinking religiously — they were thinking politically.’ — Sen. Paula Aboud, a Democrat from Tucson.
US arrests 2,000 in Mexican drug trafficking probe
Law enforcement agencies have arrested more than 2,000 people in a 22-month investigation targeting Mexican drug trafficking organizations in the United States.
Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education Award Winners
A comprehensive list and short bios of all the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education Award winners.
Capitol Quotes: June 4, 2010
“When we got in the race it was us, Brewer and Dean Martin. Nobody had ever heard of Buz Mills back in October.” — John Munger, saying Clean Elections was the reason he dropped out of the governor’s race.
Capitol Quotes: June 4, 2010
“When we got in the race it was us, Brewer and Dean Martin. Nobody had ever heard of Buz Mills back in October.” — John Munger, saying Clean Elections was the reason he dropped out of the governor’s race.
Goddard: DOJ ‘just plain wrong’ if it sues over S1070
Goddard may have signed in as an opponent of S1070 in the Legislature and declined to defend the governor in four lawsuits filed against her over the new law, but he announced at a press conference this afternoon that he has urged the U.S. Justice Department not to sue the state.
Mills to file petitions for Arizona governor’s race
Republican gubernatorial candidate Buz Mills is already on the airwaves with campaign ads but his next move is to get on the Aug. 24 primary election ballot.
House minority leader says more Democrats headed to Legislature
The past two years may not have shaped up the way David Lujan imagined when he ran for minority leader in the fall of 2008.
Martin campaign off to slow start
Shortly after Dean Martin entered the race in January, a Rasmussen Reports poll showed him with a slight edge over Gov. Jan Brewer, as did another poll by the same firm in late March. But his lead disappeared in a mid-April Rasmussen poll, which showed him in fourth place behind Brewer, Buz Mills and former Arizona Republican Party Chairman John Munger. And a May 4 Rocky Mountain Poll by the Beha[...]
Holder fears ‘slippery slope’ of racial profiling
Attorney General Eric Holder said Sunday he does not think Arizona's law cracking down on illegal immigrants is racially motivated but voiced concern that its enforcement could lead to racial profiling.
Capitol Quotes 4/16/2010
"I think they've probably exhausted everything." - Sen. Paula Aboud, a Democrat from Tucson, on the payday loan industry's multiple attempts to get legislative approval to continue operating past its June 30 sunset date.