Judge will rule Friday morning on whether to restore rejected CD5 ballots
Just hours before the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors certifies the results of the primary election, including Andy Biggs’ razor-thin, nine-vote win in Arizona’s 9th Congressional District, a judge will rule on whether to add a few dozen more votes to the mix.
Green Party makes it onto Arizona ballot
Arizonans who are concerned about Clinton, terrified of Trump and are jittery about Johnson are going to have another choice.
Tuition-cap initiative hopes for better luck in 2018
A campaign that proposed a citizen initiative to cap tuition rates at Arizona’s universities has long given up on 2016, but hopes to make it onto the ballot in two years.
Candidates face legal challenges that aren’t always worth fighting
A dozen Arizona legislative and congressional candidates are facing legal challenges to their ability to run for office this year, with opponents and interested third parties filing lawsuits alleging the candidates didn’t collect enough valid signatures of registered voters to appear on the ballot.
Failed marijuana initiative plans to fight surviving measure
Unable to qualify for the ballot this year, organizers of one of the initiatives to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Arizona are now trying to kill the remaining measure.
Obstacles remain to achieving long-term agreement over solar
The battle between utilities and solar companies over net metering ended in a ceasefire this year, with both sides agreeing to sit down with a mediator and try to hammer out a compromise instead of fighting it out on the ballot.
House tentatively outlaws most early ballot collection
The House has given initial approval to a measure that would block voter-outreach groups from collecting and dropping off early ballots.
Lottery decides order of candidates on presidential ballot
If you believe that whoever is first on the ballot has the edge, then Rick Santorum will win the state's March 22 presidential preference primary.
Education funding vote knocks down price of Kingman election
The state Legislature has saved Kingman thousands of dollars by voting to hold an election in May to approve an education funding package, as the city was already planning a ballot.
Arizona looking to upgrade voting machines ahead of 2016 elections
Arizona is one of 43 states that have election equipment that has exceeded or is close to passing its expected life span of 10 years, according to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, a law and policy institute at New York University School of Law. Arizona is one of 14 states with equipment that is more than 15 years old.
Marijuana legalization campaign has already gathered 12,000 signatures
Activists hoping to convince voters to legalize marijuana in Arizona have begun collecting signatures to send the issue to the ballot in 2016.
Senate passes Clean Elections repeal on reconsideration
The Citizens Clean Elections Commission’s victory in the Senate turned out to be short-lived as two Republicans changed their votes on a measure asking voters to repeal the public campaign funding system, giving it enough votes to send it to the 2016 ballot.