
Chad Campbell

Nov 1, 2013

Hot contests

Early voting in the 2014 primary begins in nine months, and candidates are already firing up their campaigns.

Fred DuVal
Oct 15, 2013

Free ride

Clear path to general election provides a boost to DuVal, but …

After five Republican gubernatorial hopefuls held their first candidate forum, some observers said the big winner was a candidate who wasn’t in the room — Democratic nominee-in-waiting Fred DuVal.

Oct 11, 2013

Shutdown blues: Arizona reacts to government shutdown

Social media has seen a flurry of reactions to the #shutdown over #Obamacare, the #debtceiling, or whatever lawmakers, pundits and political observers choose to blame for the federal government closing its doors since Oct. 1.

Oct 11, 2013

Facing up to Facebook comments

Barton gains nationwide notoriety for observations on Hitler, Obama

In a telephone interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, Barton stood by the comments, saying the comparison between Obama and Hitler was apt, at least in their style of leadership.

Sep 20, 2013

Capitol Quotes: September 20, 2013

This week's most outstanding quips, gibes and utterances from Arizona's political scene.

Screen shot from Rep. Bob Thorpe's Twitter account.
Aug 14, 2013

Thorpe erases tweets, locks down Twitter account following racism accusations

Rep. Bob Thorpe locked down his Twitter account, barred reporters from following it and erased several comments after Democrats and civil rights activists called several of his tweets racially insensitive.

Jul 23, 2013

Ducey files exploratory committee for governor’s race

State Treasurer Doug Ducey filed an exploratory committee for the 2014 governor’s race, taking the first steps toward his widely expected candidacy for the state’s highest office.

House Minority Leader Chad Campbell (Photo by Evan Wyloge/Arizona Capitol Times)
Jul 15, 2013

Campbell recall effort dies as organizer says he wasn’t authorized to submit signatures

An organizer of the recall attempt against Democratic Rep. Chad Campbell said the committee collected enough signatures to put the House minority leader on the ballot, but was not “authorized” to submit them before the now-passed deadline.

Jul 12, 2013

Rep. Steele: Campbell threatened retaliation over DuVal endorsement

Rep. Victoria Steele said House Minority Leader Chad Campbell threatened to kill her legislation and committee assignments next year in retaliation for her endorsement of Fred DuVal in the 2014 governor’s race.

Jul 12, 2013

ASU grad students get a taste of the legislative process

Graduate students from the Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business got an inside look at the legislative process this week after several dozen students had the opportunity to role play as lawmakers, lobbyists and reporters during a contentious budget process.

Jul 5, 2013

Freshmen stand out on issues ranging from Medicaid to sales tax reform

Doug Cole, a longtime lobbyist and veteran of the Capitol, said freshmen used to simply fall in line with leadership and sit on the back bench to learn during a session or two.

Jul 5, 2013

Crandall has worst attendance record in Legislature; 19 lawmakers didn’t miss a day

The award for most missed floor votes and most missed days of the session goes to Republican Sen. Rich Crandall of Mesa, who showed up to vote on only 64 percent of the bills that made it to the Senate floor, and was present for only 61 percent of the days the Senate met.


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