When students drop out, we all miss out
The business community is united in its support for higher academic standards in Arizona’s education system so our graduates are prepared for a career or a higher educational opportunity. A strong education system is the foundation of a strong work force, which contributes to a strong economy.
Make up your damn mind already
Huppenthal sent out separate email blasts this morning to educators and the media to clarify what he calls a misrepresentation of his consistent stance on Common Core.
Huppenthal changes position again, now favors Common Core standards
Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal says his newfound opposition to the Common Core educational guidelines has been misrepresented and he now thinks they are “sound standards.”
Sparks fly at Republican gubernatorial debate
The six Republican gubernatorial candidates argued about illegal immigration, the K-12 education standards known as Common Core and economic development in a televised debate Monday.
Huppenthal defends record while opponent compares Common Core to communist China
Arizona schools chief John Huppenthal sparred with his Republican primary challenger, Diane Douglas, Tuesday evening in a debate that focused on the state's new Common Core school standards but also touched on anonymous blog posts Huppenthal made that forced him to apologize.
Many Arizona students will have to go with paper on new school tests
An estimated 50 percent of Arizona’s public-school students are going to use the more expensive paper versions of the Common Core achievement test.
Sure, I hate it, but what can I do about it?
There was some disagreement over the future of Arizona’s Common Core standards and Brewer’s Medicaid expansion. Some candidates, notably Melvin and Riggs, were committed to scrapping both. Riggs said he would roll AHCCCS coverage back to 100 percent of the federal poverty level, and seek to exclude able-bodied, working-age childless adults
Arizona to withdraw from association developing Common Core test
Arizona is withdrawing from the association of states that is developing the assessment test for Common Core.
Lobbyist: ‘Education didn’t take a step back’
The fighting went on for months, but in the end an alliance of public school advocates and business community leaders won the main battles over education in this year’s legislative session.
SB1062 drew attention to Arizona and set the tone for the 2014 session
SB1062 forced the Arizona business community to push back against Republicans in the Legislature and take a more active role in opposing legislation many viewed as bad for business and Arizona’s image. And while maintaining the bill was mischaracterized following the outcry over the intent, some Republican leaders were wary to take on other headline-grabbing controversial measures this year.
Huppenthal’s Common Core comments generate attack by twitterers
Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal compared Common Core opponents to “barbarians at the gate” May 13 and vowed to fight them to preserve the educational standards, setting off a Twitter attack by conservative blogger and syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin.
A ‘barbarian at the gate’ responds to Huppenthal on Common Core
I vehemently oppose the adoption and continued imposition of the Common Core machine on our state by two non-educators, Gov. Jan Brewer and Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal.