
Fair Political Practices Commission

Oct 24, 2013

California commission also goes after recipients of “dark money”

While the Arizona-based Center to Protect Patient Rights and the Americans for Responsible Leadership successfully settled to pay only a combined $1 million for failing to adhere to California’s campaign disclosure laws, the political committees that received millions of dollars from the Koch-associated groups still could face heftier enforcement actions.

Small gifts make big – and murky – difference in campaign finance transparency
Oct 24, 2013

Arizona “dark money’’ groups face combined $1 million in fines

California’s Fair Political Practices Commission has reached a settlement with two so-called “dark money” groups in Arizona that will see them pay a combined $1 million in fines.

Feds chime in on Arizona's immigrant harboring ban
Feb 12, 2013

Arizona-based expenditure committee may head back to court on robocall allegations

Months after the election, Americans for Responsible Leadership is facing new legal troubles over its campaign activities.


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