Brewer wants Guard’s stay at border extended
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has asked President Barack Obama to extend the National Guard's stay at the state's border with Mexico instead of ending the deployment in two months.
Goddard rips SB1070 in Washington
Former Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard says Arizona's immigration enforcement law has been an albatross for the state.
Bill would ax protections for county workers
A bill awaiting action by Gov. Jan Brewer would lift merit-system protections for new employees hired by all Arizona counties except Maricopa.
Pro-education group: Don’t be fooled, legislators voted against public education
The Arizona Education Network, one of several groups that have been fighting cuts to schools, said 59 of the state’s 90 legislators flunked their tests when it comes to funding the state’s education system.
Brewer: Birther issue ‘path of destruction’
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says the so-called "birther" issue is a potentially destructive issue for the country.
Brewer signs bill for 2-year tax increase on employers
Arizona employers face a temporary tax increase to help the state repay loans provided by the federal government to pay for unemployment benefits.
Kanefield leaving Governor’s Office for private sector
After serving as Gov. Jan Brewer’s general counsel since her early days at the Secretary of State’s Office, Joe Kanefield is moving to the private sector.
Arizonans give Brewer lots of advice on bills
Gov. Jan Brewer is getting plenty of advice on what to do with the pile of 168 bills awaiting her signature or veto following the end of the legislative session.
Legislation spells end for Mesa impact fee court case
They couldn’t win in court, so they took the fight to the Legislature – and won.
The Home Builders Association of Central Arizona and the Goldwater Institute, a litigious government watchdog group with a libertarian bent, were unable to convince the courts that impact fees Mesa charged to new home construction for cultural programs are illegal. Instead, lawmakers approved legislatio[...]
Bill would impose fee to replenish fund left low by photo enforcement
Photo enforcement may be gone from Arizona highways, but its revenue is not forgotten.
Cronyism fueled merit system, but modern concerns may take precedence
More than four decades ago, Republicans led the charge to create the state employee merit system they now hope to overturn. It was implemented in 1969 in response to cronyism and patronage in state government, according to former state officials who dealt with personnel issues.
Bill would limit right to jury trial
A bill approved by the Arizona Legislature would end the flat right that misdemeanor DUI defendants now have under state law to a jury trial for a first offense.