Financial disclosure forms now available on Secretary of State’s website
Arizonans won’t have to wait until the next scandal to see their elected officials’ financial disclosure forms.
Brewer backing away from special session talk
Lawmakers may not have to return to the Capitol this year after all.
Gov. Jan Brewer told the Arizona Capitol Times that she had no specific plans for special session and played down the possibility of calling legislators back, just weeks after she first said she was considering the idea for her state employee personnel reform plan.
Brewer pitches personnel plan to lawmakers, but there may not be time
Lawmakers have been briefed about a plan by Gov. Jan Brewer to remove state employees from the state’s merit system.
Ariz. may require hospitals to check citizenship
Arizona lawmakers are trying to widen the state's illegal immigration crackdown with a proposal to require hospitals to confirm whether patients are in the country legally.
Arizona speaker says Tucson shooting is a reminder
Arizona House Speaker Kirk Adams says he hopes the Tucson shooting helps motivate state lawmakers to be civil with each other, respecting the need to disagree respectfully when at odds on major issues.
Early action eyed for citizenship measure in Arizona
A lawmaker who will sponsor Arizona legislation targeting automatic citizenship granted to U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants says it should be considered early in the annual session that begins Monday.
UpClose with Andrew Morrill: Teachers union chief says he’s not a liberal, takes balanced approach
Andrew Morrill took over as president of the Arizona Education Association, the state’s biggest teachers union, early this year. It’s a job no one would envy.
Williams wants spotlight on state debt, says legislation is needed
An alcoholic’s first step toward recovery is to admit being powerless to stop drinking even though it’s making life unmanageable.
Now a Tucson lawmaker wants to use the same approach to the state’s addiction to borrowing.
Rep. Vic Williams, a Republican from Tucson, said he plans to introduce a bill that would require the state to report annually all borrowing, as we[...]
Lawmakers: public expectations also a challenge
Legislators say public expectations are one of the challenges they face as states' budget troubles continue.