Michael Hunter: Politics, policy, passion and process
Before his next role as the chief operations officer at Christian Family Care, former House Chief of Staff Michael Hunter sat down with the Arizona Capitol Times to discuss his career at the House and at the state government level after he stepped down as the House’s top policy adviser on Feb. 14.
House chief of staff resigns
The top policy adviser in the state House of Representatives is resigning to pursue other career options.
Scandals reveal murky workplace standards in Legislature
Since news broke of their apparent romance, the fates of Rep. David Cook and lobbyist AnnaMarie Knorr have diverged.
Deb Gullett
When it comes to credibility and building relationships, among the best is Deb Gullett, whose experience in the public policy arena is as expansive as the Arizona sky.
From X-rays to highways, backlogs affect several state agencies
The term “backlog” has become synonymous with the Department of Child Safety, but agencies throughout the state are facing their own workload difficulties and some historically fall behind in their work.
Ducey budget committee includes key Brewer staffers
Facing a billion-dollar deficit on the day he takes office, Arizona Governor-elect Doug Ducey formed a budget study committee to help him figure out the problem prior to his inauguration, and several key members of his predecessor’s administration are lending a hand.
Capitol Quotes: Nov. 29, 2014
This week's most outstanding political quips, gibes and utterances.
The perils of voting yes to Medicaid expansion
Long before casting their votes for Medicaid expansion and a bipartisan budget proposal, Republican lawmakers who chose to support Gov. Jan Brewer had been issued a warning: Vote yes at your own risk.
Sales tax task force approves recommendations
A task force assembled by Gov. Jan Brewer to simplify Arizona’s complicated sales tax system completed its work and is ready to send its recommendations to the governor.
Brewer announces staff shuffle
Page Gonzales, Gov. Jan Brewer’s director of policy, is departing the Ninth Floor to become newly elected Maricopa County Supervisor Steve Chucri’s chief of staff.
Task force on Arizona sales tax overhaul to be led by Brewer aide
Gov. Jan Brewer is tapping a senior member of her to staff to lead a task force that's supposed to make recommendations on ways to simplify Arizona's sales tax system.
Top Brewer staffer heads to ADOA, Senate staffer moves to Ninth Floor
As Gov. Jan Brewer prepares for a session that will be dominated by budget deficits and taxes, she’ll have a new, experienced hand to help guide her following a recent staff shake-up that sent several of her top policy advisors to state agencies.