Packing a big punch from a small office
Hours before energy regulators approved a small surcharge on residential solar this month, the head of a little-known consumer advocacy group played wingman to the solar industry’s lawyer.
Regulators set to referee solar net metering fight
After several months of intense and expensive campaigning, Arizona utility regulators today begin formal hearings on a proposal by Arizona Public Service to drastically cut incentives to install rooftop solar panels.
Regulators propose phase-in for big water rate increases
Some Arizonans, especially those in rural areas, face having their water bills dramatically increase when providers need to finance infrastructure improvements.
Electricity deregulation advocate challenges opponent to debate
A senior policy expert at the Goldwater Institute said he has challenged an anti-deregulation critic to a one-on-one debate over a proposal for Arizona to dismantle its monopolistic system of providing electricity to homes and industries.
Letters scolded entire solar industry
As someone who has spent the past several years defending Arizona businesses from charges of dishonesty, greed and self-serving, the June 21 letters by APS vice president of operations Mark Schiavoni and Arizona Investment Council’s Gary Yaquinto going after the solar industry caught my attention.