AZ election laws overhauled in 2013
The past year included perhaps the most significant changes to Arizona’s election laws since the creation of the Clean Elections system and independent redistricting more than a decade earlier.
Changes in Arizona’s resign-to-run law unmuzzle candidates
Recent changes to Arizona's "resign-to-run" law mean current officeholders can now speak publicly about running for another office without having to use wiggle words, and Secretary of State Ken Bennett has taken advantage of the revisions that went into effect last week to say he will be a Republican candidate for governor next year.
Brewer signs more lenient resign-to-run bill
Gov. Jan Brewer signed a bill Tuesday making it easier for elected officials to seek new offices without violating the state’s resign-to-run law.
Hope springs eternal in the land of lagging legislation
With the committee deadline to hear bills in their chamber of origin passed, the major work of weeding out bills is done. But like weeds, bills are never really dead, and can sprout back up at any time before the session ends.