
Rounds Consulting Group.

workforce, jobs, employers, employees,Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation, innovation, collaboration
Aug 29, 2023

Collaboration, innovation and dedication keys to keeping Arizona’s workforce strong 

The changing dynamics of Arizona’s workforce made headlines earlier this summer after the Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation’s 2023 State of the Workforce Report showed continued advancement and diversification of Arizona’s job market. At a time when concerns over a possible recession are looming, and major retailers across the country are issuing rounds of layoffs, the report offered an enc[...]

May 24, 2021

Some GOP lawmakers question flat-tax proposal

The bid by Gov. Doug Ducey to permanently cut $1.5 billion a year of state revenues is based on an economic theory and a set of numbers that may not hold up under closer examination.

Apr 12, 2021

Boyer gives caucus price for vote on budget

A Republican senator is prepared to withhold his crucial vote on the state’s budget unless it contains at least $160 million in ongoing funding for higher education and another $20 million for firefighters with cancer.

Feb 23, 2021

Study looks at economic benefit of early prison release

A new report found that Arizona could save $1.4 billion in the next decade if the state implements more opportunities for non-dangerous offenders to shave time off their prison sentences.

Oct 14, 2016

Jim Rounds: A tactful approach to better budget policies

Jim Rounds is a familiar figure at the Capitol. He served as a senior economist and budget analyst at the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, and as senior vice president of Elliott D. Pollack & Company. He now runs his own consulting firm, Rounds Consulting Group.


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