
sales tax

Jun 13, 2013

Senate approves sales tax reform compromise

By a 29-0 vote, the state Senate late Thursday approved Gov. Jan Brewer’s sales tax overhaul proposal after she obtained the buy-in of Arizona cities and towns.

Apr 18, 2013

Senate bill would provide tax revenue to tribes

Republicans and Democrats in the Arizona Legislature are working together to earmark sales tax revenue for Native American tribes.

SRP panel gives final approval to $1M donation
Nov 20, 2012

Arizona state revenues grow modestly

Total state revenues grew by a modest 2.6 percent in October when compared to the year before, but just as economists have cautioned, the road to full recovery is a long, steep climb.

Oct 11, 2012

Prop. 204’s new TV ad pushes back against “special interest” label

Proponents of the initiative to permanently keep a 1-cent sales tax hike are aggressively pushing back against the charge that it’s conceived and drafted by “special interests” that will reap the benefits if voters approved the measure this November.

Oct 9, 2012

City of Chandler seeks to recoup sales taxes from online travel companies

The city of Chandler is turning to legal action to recoup $131,000 in sales taxes that city officials allege online travel companies haven't paid.

Oct 8, 2012

Sales tax debate turns to online revenues

Supporters of the one-cent tax portray it as the antidote to lawmakers’ antipathy toward cash-starved schools, but critics claim its success will come at the expense of the state’s ability to bring in taxes from remote and Internet sales.

Sep 25, 2012

Arizona sales tax study task force meets Tuesday

Gov. Jan Brewer's task force that is studying possible ways to simplify Arizona's sales tax system meets Tuesday at the Capitol in Phoenix.

Sep 24, 2012

Prop. 204 opponents say they’ve followed proper reporting procedures

State Treasurer Doug Ducey, who is leading the campaign to defeat the 1 cent sales tax initiative, denied today allegations that his committee violated state campaign finance laws and called a complaint against him a “fishing expedition.”

Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research Association, which is opposed to Proposition 204, and Ann-Eve Pedersen, chairwoman of Quality Education and Jobs, the group behind the 1-cent tax initiative, debate the finer points of the ballot measure in a forum organized by the Arizona Business and Education Coalition in Phoenix this morning. (Photo by Luige del Puerto/Arizona Capitol Times)
Sep 24, 2012

Prop. 204 debate centers on Internet sales taxes

Critics of the state’s 1-cent sales tax initiative argued today that its passage would make it all but impossible to simplify the state’s sales tax code.

Sep 18, 2012

Campaign against Prop. 204 collects more than $500k

The campaign to defeat a 1-cent sales tax initiative collected $550,000 from three sources with ties to Republican causes and candidates.

Sep 17, 2012

New TV ad promotes sales tax extension

The campaign behind a 1-cent sales tax released its first TV commercial over the weekend, aggressively seeking to paint the ballot measure as a direct response to legislators’ antipathy toward K-12 funding.

Sep 4, 2012

1-cent sales tax supporters pivot to general election

With lawsuits finally behind them, a group that is campaigning to raise the sales tax by a penny after the current one expires has begun framing the issue to voters, who will decide the initiative's fate in November.


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