Fixing the federal debt demands a comprehensive approach
Our federal budget is on a destructive and dangerous path. It is vital for our leaders to find a solution to our $17 trillion national debt, or the next generation of Americans will inherit a country in a deeply dysfunctional state.
Brewer says release of illegal immigrants may be to punish Arizona
Gov. Jan Brewer sees a far more sinister motive than pending budget cuts in federal officials’ decision to release hundreds of illegal immigrations who are facing deportation.
Arizona braces for federal budget cuts
Across the state, Arizonans are bracing for federal spending cuts that will take effect Friday barring compromise between President Barack Obama and the House Republican leadership over a plan to reduce the national debt.
Business leaders leave Washington with dim hopes of avoiding sequester, job cuts
A delegation from the Arizona Technology Council came to Washington this week hoping to persuade Congress to stop automatic spending cuts that would hurt state defense contractors and could lead to layoffs.