
signature gatherers

Aug 1, 2018

Judge refuses to disqualify signatures for energy ballot measure

Arizonans can't be blocked from voting on a renewable energy proposal solely because organizers may have violated some state election laws, a judge ruled Tuesday.

Rep. Don Shooter relaxes Feb. 1 before a historic vote of his colleagues to remove him from office. He was ousted by a vote of 56-3. (Photo by Katie Campbell/Arizona Capitol Times)
Jul 20, 2018

Paid circulators, not supporters, gathered signatures for Shooter

When ousted lawmaker Don Shooter first acknowledged he might run for office again, the Yuma Republican described his potential campaign as wholly reliant on supporters in Yuma who insisted he make a comeback.

Mar 3, 2017

Petition measure sparks heated debate over future of citizens’ initiatives

When Republican Rep. Vince Leach proposed a bill to ban paying petition circulators for citizens’ initiatives on a per-signature basis, Democrats were collectively outraged and denounced the bill as an “attack on democracy.”

Mar 1, 2017

GOP lawmakers advance attacks on citizen initiatives

Republican lawmakers agreed Wednesday to ask voters to throw another hurdle in the path of their ability to write their own laws.

Jun 17, 2016

Andrew Chavez: Commanding an army of petition gatherers

If you need signatures collected for a citizen initiative in Arizona, there’s a good chance you’re paying Andrew Chavez to get them.

Apr 28, 2016

Signature effort aims to derail solar ballot measure

Summit Consulting Group, a political consulting firm with ties to Arizona Public Service, is paying Sign Here Petitions to collect survey signatures, but only on the condition that signature gatherers sign a non-compete clause, promising not to work on SolarCity’s initiative.

Boxes of signature petitions line the walls of the the State Capitol executive tower, as the Protect Your Right To Vote ballot initiative committee prepared to submit them to the Secretary of State.
Oct 8, 2013

Secretary of State knocks 2,300 signatures from HB2305 referendum effort

The coalition fighting the election law approved by the Legislature this year filed 139,161 signatures that passed the first round of verification from the Secretary of State’s Office.

Sep 23, 2013

Election bill referendum will be held to higher standard

The referendum drive against an elections bill passed by the Legislature in June will have a tough standard to meet if it goes to court. Referendums in Arizona are subject... […]

Sep 11, 2013

Anti Medicaid expansion referendum falls short

The writing has been on the wall for a while, but now it’s official – Medicaid expansion won’t be on the ballot next November.

Jul 26, 2013

Political groups try to keep HB2305 from becoming law

When lawmakers rolled several controversial elections changes into one jam-packed omnibus bill and approved it in the final moments of the legislative session, a coalition of disparate political groups coalesced around a single goal: to stop the bill from becoming law.

Jul 22, 2013

Six figure debts: Legal dispute highlights problems in collecting campaign money

It’s common to see failed presidential candidates continue their fundraising pleas so they can pay down their campaign debt.

Unfortunately for signature gatherers, attorneys and vendors, ballot measure campaigns don’t generally do the same thing.

May 16, 2013

Arpaio recall group faces fundraising difficulties

A group trying to oust Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is again relying on only volunteers to gather signatures in a bid to force a recall election against the sheriff.


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