
social distancing

Jun 26, 2020

State, police crack down on packed nightclubs

Scottsdale police cited one nightclub in the city for not complying with the state’s reopening guidelines and the state is also cracking down on three establishments owned by the family of Gov. Doug Ducey’s top health advisor.

May 15, 2020

2 lawmaker restaurateurs take different paths to resuming dine-in

Two lawmakers, who also own restaurants, are handling reopening their businesses in different ways now that Arizona is allowing dine-in services to resume with some guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

May 6, 2020

Social distancing, isolation is not part of road to recovery from addiction

Americans have experienced a crash course on the dangerous and frightening nature of a pandemic. But what of the thousands of Americans who have been fighting another epidemic for years, one even deadlier than COVID-19? And what happens when these two epidemics – opioid addiction and coronavirus – collide?

May 4, 2020

Stepping out of the COVID19 lockdown in Arizona – when and how

Governor Ducey’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected” order to mitigate the COVID19 pandemic has dramatically “flattened the curve,” reducing spread and protecting our hospital system and health care professionals. But, the order was set to expire April 30. As Arizona looks toward re-opening, it is important to consider how we re-enter without jeopardizing the gains achieved by a mo[...]

May 2, 2020

Health department issues guidelines for reopening retail

Come next Friday you'll be able to go out and buy a new dress or suit. But don't count on being able to try it on.


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