Shannon Schell: Fighting for the poor with a Rebel Alliance tattoo
Shannon Schell is the new executive director of Protecting Arizona’s Family Coalition, a group that advocates for human services programs at the GOP-dominated Legislature.
Exodus from Child Safety agency continues despite new spending
In fiscal year 2015, about one-fourth of people who worked at the Department of Child Safety left their jobs. And most of them quit. Turnover at the beleaguered agency is one of the highest within state government at 24.5 percent.
Attorney says secret child welfare investigations violate parents’ rights
An attorney who represents parents whose children are wards of the state said the Office of Child Welfare Investigations keeps its reports secret, making it difficult for parents to defend themselves, violating their rights and blurring the line between police and social work.
Arizona abuse cases to be reviewed by next week
An Arizona government official says his department will review more than 6,000 unexamined reports of child abuse and neglect by Dec. 2.
‘Heartbreaking, unconscionable’
CPS workers close out thousands of cases before they are investigated
Naimark, others blast GOP priorities in state budget
Advocates for more funding for social programs today panned Republicans for their priorities in the recently-enacted state budget.