Bill making gold legal tender sent to Brewer
Arizona is returning to its gold rush roots with a bill that would make precious metals legal currency.
Senators defeat attempt to nullify Common Core education standards
Arizona senators defeated a sweeping amendment Monday aimed at preventing the state from participating in the Common Core and placing responsibility for approving educational standards in the hands of lawmakers.
Legislature moves to force sale of buy-back guns
The months since the deadly Connecticut school shooting have seen dozens of gun buyback events across the country, with officials getting thousands of unwanted firearms off the street and sending them off to their destruction.
Hotly debated firearms bill goes to the governor
A bill headed to Gov. Jan Brewer’s desk would close a loophole used by some Arizona cities to destroy firearms turned over to police and other state agencies. The Arizona Senate approved HB2455, sponsored by Rep. Brenda Barton, R-Payson, by an 18-12 vote Tuesday afternoon, giving its final approval to a measure that also requires agencies to sell all unclaimed firearms in their possession.
Definition of lobbyist hard to pin down
Even the question of who is a lobbyist is debatable, thanks to wide-ranging exemptions in the laws governing who is required to register as a lobbyist. Those exemptions cover everyone from John Q. Public to, arguably, one of the state’s most powerful public policy groups: The Goldwater Institute.
Lawmakers continue their quest to use gold and silver as legal tender
The Arizona Senate is poised to take a final vote on a bill to recognize gold and silver as legal tender in the state, but officials are at least a year away — if not longer — from setting up a system for Arizonans to use gold and silver to make purchases.
Senate rejects texting while driving amendment
The Arizona Senate has rejected an effort to create a statewide ban on texting while driving by amending an existing House bill.
‘The Selective Seven’ — Sometimes they even vote against their own bills
A new voting bloc is emerging in the state House consisting of seven conservative Republicans who have voted against more GOP-sponsored bills on the floor than some Democrats have, though for entirely different reasons.
Senate approves bill to arm teachers and administrators
The Arizona Senate approved a bill Monday that could arm teachers and administrators in rural schools.
The bill passed the Senate on a 17-11 party line vote, and now moves to the House. If approved by both chambers, the measure would allow certain school employees to carry concealed firearms in schools with fewer than 600 students that are more than 30 minutes and 20 miles from the nearest[...]
No AZ law on ‘dark money’ coming this legislative session
For all of the controversy during the last election over the influence of so-called dark money in politics, the Arizona State Legislature is unlikely to produce any laws on the subject this session.
Lawmaker keeps bill alive in Senate by promising it will die in House
Sen. Don Shooter persuaded his fellow senators to advance a bill out of the Senate on March 7 by promising them the bill as written is essentially dead on arrival in the House.
Senate passes bill to standardize specialty license plates
The Arizona Senate passed a bill to create a uniform license plate design that would accommodate all organizations that want to offer specialty plates as a revenue source.