UpClose with Norris Nordvold: Former Phoenix official monitors elections in struggling democracies
Nordvold, a registered lobbyist and former city of Phoenix governmental affairs director, sat down with the Arizona Capitol Times to discuss his Election Day, Super Sunday in Azerbaijan, and other monitoring tales involving armored escorts and sleeping with ballots in his hotel room. He also recalls the first time he met Terry Goddard while riding on a bike path.
Department of Revenue Director Garriott resigns
Gale Garriott will step down as director of the Arizona Department of Revenue, the third in a string of recent agency head resignations.
Post-election interviews with Democratic and Republican party heads
The Arizona Capitol Times sat down with Republican party chairman Randy Pullen and Democratic party chairman Don Bivens to talk about the election results, their parties' fortunes and their professional futures.
UpClose with Don Bivens; Dem chair: 2010 losses were inevitable despite high-caliber candidates
When Don Bivens moved to Arizona in the late 1970s to begin practicing law, he asked people how he could get involved with the Democratic Party and quickly met a young politician named Terry Goddard who ushered him into the organization.
Since then, Bivens has stayed active in the party, ascending to party chairman in 2007.
3 recommended for Arizona Game and Fish Commission
Gov. Jan Brewer will choose one person from among three candidates to appoint to the state Game and Fish Commission.
Analysis: Brewer has set markers on what to expect
Gov. Jan Brewer's nearly two years in office have seen both handshakes and verbal spats between her and Republican lawmakers, setting markers that create expectations for more of the same for the next four years.
Medical marijuana still trails by 3,300 votes
Arizona’s medical marijuana proposition is still losing by more than 3,300 votes, a gap that has stayed relatively steady over the last 24 hours. But it’s still too close to call Proposition 203, as 78,000 early and provisional ballots remain to be counted.
The headlines we really wanted to write on election night
We see lots of things from our virtual perch high above 1700 W. Washington. Our exposure to all things political in Arizona typically results in some mix of these three... […]
Brewer wins full term in blowout
Gov. Jan Brewer dominated the governor’s race, winning a full term on the Ninth Floor with a 14-point win over Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard.
Republicans sweep statewide races in Arizona
Nationally, Democrats suffered disaster in the general election. In Arizona, it was even worse. For the first time since 1994, Republicans swept Arizona’s statewide offices. Even the Attorney General’s Office, which has been in Democratic hands for the past 12 years, couldn’t withstand the Republican tsunami.
Statewide offices: Republicans looking at a sweep
With nearly half the state’s precincts reporting vote totals, Republicans looked poised to sweep Arizona’s statewide offices for the first time since 1994. By 9:15 p.m., the Republicans’ statewide slate... […]
Goddard tells Dems to stay strong “regardless of the turnout”
Despite the national trend of a Republican sweep, the crowd at three-quarters full ballroom at the Democratic stronghold Wyndham Hotel in Phoenix seemed somewhat unaware that they were supposed to lose.