

Oct 9, 2024

Arizona court ruling on marijuana: A win for justice, but a risky message for drivers

I support the recent ruling by the Arizona Court of Appeals, but I fear its unintended consequences. While the decision rightly acknowledges that THC can linger in the bloodstream long […]

THC, Breathalyzer, Phoenix, ASU
May 3, 2023

Phoenix company creating marijuana Breathalyzer

Scientists at Phoenix-based company ElectraTect are working to create a marijuana Breathalyzer to detect recent consumption of THC — the major psychoactive component in marijuana.

marijuana, cannabis, Kavanagh, Ducey, Fann, Bowers, DUI, marijuana, driving, Driving Under the Influence Data Collection Study Committee, Department of Public Safety Director Col. Heston Silbert,Arizona Marijuana Industry Trade Association, THC, Smart and Safe Arizona Act, Arizona Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory,
Dec 9, 2022

Lawmakers seek data on pot-related DUI

Arizona lawmakers are seeking to better understand drug-related DUI cases for future legislation that appropriately addresses marijuana and other drugs. The Legislature created the Driving Under the Influence Data Collection Study Committee, which met twice, once in October and once earlier this week.

Aug 12, 2019

Recreational marijuana won’t limit potency in edibles

A claim by organizers of an initiative to legalize recreational marijuana for adults that it would limit the dosage of THC in edible products is false.


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