Justice Department to look into anti-gun efforts on U.S.-Mexico border
Attorney General Eric Holder has asked the Justice Department inspector general to take another look at the efforts of U.S. agents who hunt gun traffickers along the U.S. border with Mexico.
Border mayors form alliance to improve image
U.S. border mayors, including the Mayor of Nogales, are teaming up to promote the positive side of their communities while combatting a negative image of crime and violence associated with Mexican drug gangs.
US, Mexico commission meets on border violence
A joint U.S.-Mexico committee met for the first time Wednesday to address border management issues and border violence.
Arizona border agents seize $63,000 in cash
Agents in Nogales in southeastern Arizona made two big cash seizures from people crossing the border with Mexico.
Sheriff Babeu calls for more federal help
An Arizona sheriff whose county is at the end of a smuggling corridor between Tucson and Phoenix is calling for more federal help to battle the problem, but he made the call as he tried to persuade his own county to give him money to create an anti-smuggling unit of his own.
Fewer legal visitors crossing into Arizona to shop
The immigration crackdown in Arizona has apparently led some legal visitors to stay out of the state.
Homeland Security to use drones along border
The Homeland Security Department will use unmanned surveillance aircraft and other technological upgrades in its ongoing effort to protect the southern border of the United States.
Obama asks for 1,000 more Border Patrol agents
President Barack Obama is asking Congress for $600 million in emergency funds for 1,000 more Border Patrol agents, 160 new federal immigration officers and two unmanned aircraft to beef up security on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Immigration agents raid AZ van shuttle businesses
Federal agents on Thursday targeted more than 50 shuttle operators and smugglers accused of using the vans to transport thousands of illegal immigrants from spots near the Mexican border to Phoenix.
Brewer asks feds for more border security
Brewer is asking for more National Guard troops along the border to boost security and assist U.S. Customs and Border Protection personnel.