

Feb 17, 2016

Arizonans face key Feb. 22 deadline for presidential primary

Arizona voters have an opportunity to vote in our state’s Presidential Preference Election on March 22. As an Arizona voter, this is your official chance to influence the presidential selection process before the November general election.

Feb 15, 2016

Arizonans should matter as much as voters in Iowa, Ohio and Florida

For years, Arizonans have felt ignored during the campaign for president. It feels like the candidates don’t care what we think, don’t care about our issues, and don’t bother asking for our vote.

Jan 12, 2016

Republicans and Democrats win battle over voter registration spots

Republicans and Democrats are going to keep their preferred -- and exclusive -- spots on Arizona voter registration forms.

Jan 5, 2016

Lawn signs could sway votes in close elections, report says

There's a new report that shows those lawn signs for candidates that pop up before every election actually can sway a few votes -- perhaps just enough to change the outcome of a close election. And that surprised the researchers who conducted the experiment.

Sep 28, 2015

Arizona Latino voting bloc taking slow, steady path to influence

Arizona’s Latino voting bloc is being slowly built and jostled into action, but it’s not quite a tour-de-force just yet, according to Latino voters groups and policy analysts.

Jun 24, 2015

Maricopa County officials to mull settlement over jail death

Maricopa County officials are scheduled to vote Wednesday on a proposed $950,000 settlement that would resolve a lawsuit filed over a man's 2013 death from a stomach ulcer while in a county jail.

May 4, 2015

Arizona Regents to decide on university tuition hikes today

The Arizona Board of Regents will decide on upcoming tuition rates for the three state universities, including a proposed discounted rate for certain immigrants who have to pay out-of-state fees.

Mar 9, 2015

Bill cutting income tax to offset Internet tax set for vote

A revived bill cutting income taxes if the state begins collecting sales taxes from online purchases is set for another vote in the Arizona House.

Mar 4, 2015

Phoenix to vote on sales tax increase for transportation

Phoenix voters will be deciding whether to increase the city's sales tax to pay for a wide-ranging transportation plan approved by the City Council.

Feb 26, 2015

SRP approves solar fee and rate hike

Salt River Project’s board of directors approved a rate hike Thursday that would add a solar demand charge of about $50 on average and a 3.9 percent increase for all SRP users, ending a three-month process of public meetings and solar industry outcry.

Jan 27, 2015

House Republicans vote to close meetings for ‘sensitive matters’

House Republicans voted today to allow themselves to meet in secret, closed door discussions for any reason they see fit.

Oct 30, 2014

Former Arizona Gov. Castro urges Latinos to vote

The only Hispanic ever to serve as Arizona governor is urging Latinos to vote next week. The non-partisan, statewide voter-registration group One Arizona released videotaped public service announcements from 98-year-old Raul Castro on Wednesday.


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