Group pushing voucher referendum short on money
A new public-education advocacy group seeking a referendum on a recently passed voucher law has plenty of confidence, but it is sorely lacking the sort of high-dollar support needed to fight until the end.
School choice group runs ads thanking Legislature, Gov for passing vouchers
A school choice group once chaired by U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is running advertisements thanking Arizona’s governor and legislature for expanding school vouchers here.
Voucher-backing group’s Capitol ‘Thank You’ lunch cancelled
Republican Speaker J.D. Mesnard said he called off the "Thank You to the Legislators" luncheon because it was ill-timed and emotions are still running high at the Capitol.
Sen. Bob Worsley: Goldwater Institute negotiated voucher deal in bad faith
The architect of the universal voucher plan approved Thursday is already looking to undermine the key provision of the compromise that secured the votes for the program’s expansion.
Senator holding swing vote in voucher expansion leaning toward ‘no’
The state senator with the deciding vote on a bill that would give all Arizona students access to a program that allows public money to pay for private schooling wants “rock solid caps” on its enrollment.
Analysts skeptical about fiscal benefits of expanded voucher program
State taxpayers will see minimal to no savings when students transfer from public to private schools under an expanded voucher program.
Ducey defends using public funds for private schools
Gov. Doug Ducey on Thursday defended state laws that let parents use public funds to send children to private and parochial schools.
Lesko proposal could greatly expand school ‘voucher’ funds
State lawmakers are making a new attempt to provide taxpayer-provided dollars to all of the 1.1 million students in Arizona schools to help their parents pay to instead send them to private and parochial schools.
Auditors call for strengthened oversight of voucher program
State auditors say the Arizona Department of Education is already taking steps to ensure that dollars provided parents under a school voucher program are not misspent but should strengthen its oversight.
Outpouring of criticism puts voucher expansion on life support
Legislation to let every child attend private and parochial schools on the public dime is on life support, and possibly dead -- at least in its current form.
Legislature approves vouchers for all reservation students
Senate Bill 1332 is designed to give children on reservations more school choice. It is backed by the Center for Arizona Policy, a social-conservative group that is a powerful lobbying voice at the Capitol.
Flagstaff introduces vouchers for panhandlers
Ever since a federal judge in Arizona ruled that a law criminalizing panhandling in public places is unconstitutional, Flagstaff police say the mountain city has been saturated with people turning to begging as their main source of income. Authorities are hoping a new program announced this week will help people with genuine needs and push out panhandlers who rely on charity to pay for substance-a[...]