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Ultra-conservative GOP lawmaker vying for Maricopa County Recorder

A state representative aligned with the conservative Freedom Caucus of the state House of Representatives announced Wednesday he is running for Maricopa County Recorder.   With the support of many Freedom Caucus members behind him at the Capitol, Rep. Justin Heap, R-Mesa, spoke about his candidacy and the caucus’ goal of unseati[...]


Petersen, Toma want judge in elections case disqualified over brother’s tweets

When it comes to being a fair judge, does it matter what your brother thinks of the parties and their claim? Well, what if he's an attorney, made social media posts calling the plaintiffs "Yahoos,'' described their lawsuit a "cowpie'' and predicted the case is so flawed it would be thrown out? That's the issue raised by the attorne[...]

Attorney Tom Ryan holds up print copies of text messages exchanged between former state Sen. Steve Montenegro and a Senate staffer, Stephanie Holford. Holford named herself in a statement Ryan read during a press conference at the Senate on Feb. 22. (Photo by Rachel Leingang/Arizona Capitol Times)

GOP, conservative group challenge new elections procedures

The Arizona Free Enterprise Club is asking a judge to void proposed rules that say its members have no right to photograph, approach, question and even seek "documentation'' of voters who are using drop boxes. Attorneys for the group contend that rules in the new Elections Procedures Manual about what can be restricted around the fr[...]

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Arizona officials combat AI election misinformation through proposed bills, security trainings

In the rapidly evolving campaign landscape of the upcoming presidential election, artificial intelligence is already a large and active participant, revolutionizing campaign strategies and communication. From AI-generated campaign ads to rapid response times, election officials say these technological advancements could have a profou[...]


Lawmakers challenge parts of state’s election procedures

Senate President Warren Petersen and House Speaker Ben Toma filed a special action to nullify provisions of the latest Elections Procedures Manual that they contend conflict with Arizona election law.   Secretary of State Adrian Fontes drafted the 2023 EPM, with input from county recorders, elections directors and workers and the [...]


14 years after Citizens United, Arizona leads the way, but our democracy demands more

As we mark the 14th anniversary of the infamous Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling, we find ourselves at a critical moment in the fight for the integrity of self-government in America. A 50-year history of misguided Supreme Court rulings on campaign finance, beginning with the pivotal Buckley v. Valeo decision [...]

SRP panel gives final approval to $1M donation

Judge rules No Labels can refuse to let candidates run under its banner

Arizonans can't run for office under the No Labels banner unless the party gives them permission.  In a new ruling Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge John Tuchi barred Secretary of State Adrian Fontes from accepting any requests by any individual, including those registered with the party, to be a candidate in the 2024 primary elec[...]

Recent news

Are unstaffed ballot drop boxes allowed in Arizona? Final rulebook offers little clarity

This article was originally published by Votebeat, a nonprofit news organization covering local election administration and voting access. Arizona voters have long relied on unstaffed ballot drop boxes to conveniently cast their ballots, but challenges to their use persist and a new state rulebook does little to clarify their legal [...]


Judge to rule whether No Labels can keep candidates off ballot

A federal judge is considering whether to allow No Labels Arizona to solely run a presidential candidate in 2024 and bar any other interested parties from running under the party’s banner.   No Labels Arizona, a flagship of a national effort to run a “unity” presidential ballot in 2024, contend they cannot be made to run fed[...]

sentencing, threats, Maricopa County, Arizona, Texas, prison

Gallego, Kelly top Power Ranking poll

Two Democrats representing Arizona in Congress placed as the top two in a recent poll ranking the most favorable people for public office in the state.    A recent power ranking list from Noble Predictive Insights in partnership with Arizona Capitol Times ranked the top 50 people in favorability for public office and found [...]

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Cochise County officials who refused to certify election now under investigation by Arizona attorney general

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes is investigating two Cochise County supervisors who refused to certify the county’s midterm election results by the state-required deadline.   Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, both Republicans, were served subpoenas last week by Mayes’ office explaining that they are under investigat[...]

Judd, Crosby, indictment, 2022 election
Top Stories

A third party signed up 15,000 voters in Arizona. Democrats worry that's enough for a Biden spoiler  

PHOENIX (AP) — More than 15,000 people in Arizona have registered to join a new political party floating a possible bipartisan "unity ticket" against Joe Biden and Donald Trump. While that's less than the population of each of the state's 40 largest cities, it's still a number big enough to tip the presidential election in a cri[...]


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